Friday, August 28, 2009

Get smart

Above - YOUR P & L Goldsmith - after boating all day so never mind my Alfalfa hair.
Update. I sent an anniversary card to the "other" P&L Goldsmith last week, and today, on our 27th anniversary, I got a card back from them! We've gotten comments from around the state from friends about those imposters from Chariton and their 30th anniversary photo in the DM Register. And even from people (Paul's own clerk at work) who thought that really was us?!? The Pauls and Leslies have decided to meet on middle ground - in Osceola for a meal some day. Stay tuned for photos.

Remember the Get Smart theme song? It played while Maxwell walked through innocuous hallways on his way to work. Doors slammed behind him.

Many of my workday mornings start out just like that. I get that song in my head after I flash my security card at the only door I can get in at 6 a.m. on the SW corner of the Wallace Building. (one time last winter on one freezing and snowy morn, the door wouldn't work and I had to walk around the corner to another door).

Once I get in the security door (and it slams behind me), and up a few steps there's another door. Metal and heavy - only the left side is unlocked. It slams behind me. Around a couple corners in the bowels of the building - doors marked (DO Not Enter - Dairy Lab), stacked computer modems. It's a labyrinth that I finally know my way through. Around a couple more corners and there's the elevators. They might take me to 5th floor. If I hold my mouth right.

All while humming, da da daaaa da! Maybe I'll get the dome of silence around my cubicle!

I love reading tee shirts! And buying funny ones. I got one - a tank - in the Ozarks that says, "The liver is evil, it must be punished". What a hoot!

and this one I saw in the East Village of DM on one of my lunchtime jaunts, "Des Moines, French for The Moines" haw haw. Good stuff!


Ramona I. Lynam said...

I love it! Why is it De Moyn and Dez Plainz? Can't those Illini speak de francois?

Thea said...

I actually lol re the evil liver!! i let out a whoop in my cubicle in Lenox. ok, it has walls, but i'm sure i was heard outside of them. FUNNY!