Sunday, August 9, 2009

Disaster Averted...

Thank goodness Pablo is training for the DM Half Marathon with me. Otherwise I could have dented myself today. After a couple late nights this weekend, we decided to do our 7 mile training walk this a.m. We took off after sleeping in until after 8 a.m. In between miles 1 and 2, we took a route through a new residential area in Crestonia, off Cottonwood. It's a loop we don't drive on since it doesn't lead anywhere. Walking on the street, downhill we were looking ahead at the lovely homes on the street, when I tripped on a high spot in the pavement. Damn Creston streets! I stumbled forward with my knees threatening to collapse, overbalanced and threatening to pound my head into the pavement (yet again) or break my wrist. Paul reached out and snatched my hand, allowing me to recover my balance. My hero!

We had a busy weekend! Friday night we met the Mc's (McFee, McKim) and Higgins (hadn't seen them since June) at A&G for supper. I made my self a lovely 1.5 lemondrop martini before we left home. Then I tried Amber Bock beer - quite delicious! Beers were tasting good my friends. To ALL of us evidently for we headed to Sidetracked Bar after A&G, to sit in their beer garden. It wasn't so much a garden as a dively fenced in area where people can smoke and drink. Yahoo! I'd missed sitting among smokers (not) but they didn't bother me. There was a resident kitty cat in the "garden" there too. After that, we went back across the tracks to the former DQ which is also a beer garden, but with just a little more ambience. Hey they let us write our names on the wall! Plus they had a Cyclone Bag toss game. I was through drinking by then, because I knew we were heading to Minnesota to see some family bright and early the next day. 

We took off by 7:30 a.m. and stopped on our way to drop some chairs off for Juddy's new apartment. We had a great visit with the Fox Fam (Paul's sis Jean and hubby Dave) - our niece Peg and her partner Brooke were back from NYC and we got to meet 1 year old twins Alex and Logan. Niece Annette and Jeremy live in Watertown, MN along with Megan - 5 and Caleb 4. Nice time. We had planned to stay with our friends in Northfield, MN but alas they had plans. Vic kindly offered for us to stay there anyway. But once we hit the road, I had the bit in my teeth (see horse stories from last week) and there was no stopping me! And I didn't feel like staying in a motel. Paul drove until Mason City and I could tell he was beat! He'd been a champ in the beer drinking department Friday night. So I drove home from there on and we arrived just after 1 a.m. A good time was had by all!

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