Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bits n pieces

Haircut this a.m. thank goodness! I was getting pretty shaggy. Amber, snippest to the stars, or at least to lots of Crestonians (perhaps not 10,000 but close) did the dirty job. She's such a pleasant lass.

Then I was on to the Union County Courthouse, where I used to spend some time in my past life as Prairie SWA director. Saw the sheriff, Angie (who is done at that job Friday - heading to a water works job), and others. Chatted with Sandy the Auditor for the past 10 years or so. Her kid, Spencer was born 2 weeks (and 2 pounds) after Jud. S and I were preggers together at FNB. S is a very nice person and easy to talk with. I'll never forget her story (told during the monthly stuffing of FNB statements) of the Christmas when she and her cousin were told to burn the trash. Evidently the trash and the Christmas presents were on the porch and unfortunately they burned it all! Ashes to ashes. Funny true story.

Anyways, catching up on kids was eye opening. Her oldest is married and stationed in England with the airforce. Second son is Amy's age - he worked a bit with me at the landfill as work-study - nice kid. He's laid off from Pepsi and is considering going to DMACC for some type of mechanic study. Then there is Spencer - Jud's age. Didn't graduate HS, presently in the men's reformatory at Anamosa.

I bitch and worry about the Goldy kids, but I can't imagine what that fam has been thru. He fell in with the wrong crowd - didn't fit in. He was born huge and has been well over 6 ft. tall since he was 12 years old. That tends to separate a person from their peers at that age! Sandy has not been to see him yet - a painful subject I could tell. I hope and pray things turn out okay for Spencer and his family.

How I'm off to T's to sit by the pool. No swimming for me due to surgery but I'll dangle a footsy.

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