Sunday, February 7, 2010


Pablo the Pool Boy headed indoors to help clean for our Super Bowl Partay today. I'm always surprised how little he knows about cleaning. He's been helping me clean since we were married - some 27+ years.

I was chagrined to have to explain how to use the MopNGlo. He was pleased with himself as he dusted the legs of the dining table, saying "I bet these have never been done since we've had this." Uh...I do that every time (all of 2 times a year but hey...) we entertain. He's never noticed. The man who can relate what most of the farmsteads in Union County look like. The guy who knows every move the Green Bay Packers make...Ah priorities. You could say that about me when it comes to outdoor stuff.

I had to teach myself to clean through the years, so I probably don't have the most professional methods myself. When I was a kid, we always had a cleaning lady. The first one I remember was Mrs. Grey. She was the first black person I was ever around. I think they were the only African American family in Atlantic - that must have not been easy back in the 60's. I was fascinated that the palms of her hands were so light, and probably stared at her during lunch - we always ate lunch with our cleaning people. Mom cleaned right along with them - and did the laundry when they were there too so they could help make up the beds.

The next cleaning lady I remember was Leona Wheatley - who became almost a part of the family. On deep cleaning days - windows, hardwood floors - Leona's sis Et (probably short for Etta but I never asked) would come too. Leona was quite a character - married to a man my parents said was a mean drunk. Leona was funny and never shy - she helped with all of our big family events, like weddings. Leona didn't drive so when I got my license one of my jobs was to run her home. She lived not too far from my Grandparents place at 909 Poplar.

Lots of my friends and neighbors have cleaning people. Thea always laments about having to clean for the cleaners. That's probably what I would feel like - embarrassed to have somebody see what I slob I am. I sure appreciate people who keep things spotless! But I'm not one of them - not sure you can be with pets. Plus I don't have the energy nor drive to put that much effort into something that will just get dirty again!

I'm an "each thing in its place" kinda person though. A bit neurotic about it. Just ask my fam! I am not comfy watching TV in a room with untidy piles of crap laying about. Though my tolerance has gone up as years go by - and I had to forgo that rule when the kids were small and their toys were everywhere.

Looking forward to the Super Bowl gathering today - and the place is clean!

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