Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lovin' being warm

I wrote this last Friday but forgot to hit post, so it sat as a draft until Monday when it was cold again...
It's been unseasonably warm this past week - and I've loved it! It's been so great not being cold. Being cold makes me tired. It's actually wearing on one's body and mental state to be chilly day after day. And looking at the cold white stuff - driving in it, walking in it, making sure not to fall down in it. It makes me weary.

So this past few days has been a welcome respite. And I really can't complain after last year, the hellish winter that we had. It started early, snowed often and ended late. It went on and on. Brutal is the term that comes to mind. You may recall the photo I posted of my poor car covered in a half inch of ice. Yikes - I hope that's not still in store for this winter.

So we've dabbled in a bit 'o Indian Spring. Now I hate to go back to the cold stuff. Today we went to 50ish and sunny to a thunderstorm. It's now in the 40's. Headed back into the 30's this week. Hope the white stuff stays away!

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