Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SnOprah the storm

is over! I could have made it to work today. Instead I was snug as a bug at Joan's - who by the way didn't get home last night from her job at FedEx until about 8:30 PM. And that was after going in for a 7 AM start. She was dead tired after a stressful day of dispatching drivers for pickups and deliveries - some to closed businesses.

Tonight when she gets home we'll be performing snow removal. I don't know how to do the snowblower or I'd start now. I can, however, run a shovel. And I did so to scoop the snow chunks away from the air vents for the furnace.

I'll be ready to go to the office after working at home all day. And just after lunchtime I will have enough hours to head home to Creston. It sounds like the roads should be okay. And it may even warm up to the double digits by then. I hope Paul was able to talk Odie into going outside last night before she exploded! (She refuses to go potty in blizzards - wind/snow - not her thing).

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