Friday, February 18, 2011

HGTV envy

It's my own fault. I keep watching HGTV, and getting ideas about fixing up our house. This watched one of my usual shows where they fix up a place for $2,000 in order to sell it. Usually it's a place that's been on the market but has not sold.

This place had wallpaper and a border. Hmmm. Like our bathroom and office, I thought to myself. The designer said wallpaper is very dating/individual preference. So I thinks to myself - "self - our wallpaper gots to go!" and told myself to break it to Paul. haha

Betso Bean told of scraping wallpaper earlier this year. Didn't sound like fun. But I think we'll give it a shot anyway.

While I was at it, I told Paul of my dream to put a backsplash up in the kitchen. Plus I'd like new appliances and a new ceiling fan in our bedroom. Oh I didn't come up with all this stuff at one sitting - it's been percolating for a while!

Today was another swell weather day. Sorry to say I didn't get out and get a walk in. Should have gotten up early and scooted out there - like Deb prolly did. Just a slacker. Nice to see the neighbor kids out shooting hoops though!

1 comment:

amy e. goldsmith said...

just don't get rid of my super cool oriental sun and moons border!