Sunday, February 27, 2011

The auction

You can't tell - it's a buttery color - leather. Note said $300 value - may be more like $285, but I paid dooo do do dooo $125!

Insert self-important memory here: I was instrumental in the birth of the St. Malachy Foundation Auction. I served on the Foundation Board back in the early 1990's. The board oversees a good sum of money donated by the good people interested in the wonderful little Catholic school here in Creston.

The board not only watched over the investment portfolio, we were tasked with growing the fund. the people of Holy Spirit Parish along with tuition pay for operation of the school, but the interest from the investments make a nice addition to the budget. Our dilemma - how could we bring money in without necessarily taxing the very people we already got money from? Our idea - a charity auction similar to one the Atlantic Rotary did. To check it out Paul and I went to the Atlantic auction along with Bob and Frieda Berner. Then, along with Dennis Hilger and Cheri Finken, we set about putting together out own version of this event - a Valentine's Auction.

All these years later, (and after I burned out some 8 years or so after I started) some of the same people are going strong. Bob and Cheri - you rock! Last night's event was great! Good crowd - and I think they made lots of $$. Some from me.

Back when we started, one of the things we came up with to auction were baskets - it was a "stone soup" idea. Everyone could bring a little bit so nobody was stuck investing a lot. (I'd like to claim that I thought of this idea...but I don't recall). One early year, when $ were tight for our fam, Paul and I purchased a "Holiday Basket" put together by the St. Malachy teachers. When the kids got up the next day, it was like Christmas all over again - they were delighted by going through the basket to discover each holiday representative item!

It had been a couple years since Pablo and I had purchased anything. Imagine my surprise and delight to discover a Dooney and Bourke purse on the silent auction! I tried to resist but my bidding hand worked independent of my body (it was like a scary movie...!) MUST HAVE.

I had to chuckle in bed last night as I tried to go to sleep. I was the proud owner of a lovely medium east/west satchel. And Pablo - soon to be birthday boy is the proud owner of a - dehumidifier. Yeah, didn't he score big?!? Awe. I'll make sure he gets something good. But prolly won't be tax deductible like this stuff was...

1 comment:

amy e. goldsmith said...

wow! i'm impressed--that's a big fashion upswing from the little backpacks you used to carry.