Sunday, February 27, 2011

Continuing Education

A shout out to my friend and neighbor Nancy. She is a testament to continuing education. When Nancy and Jim moved to Creston, I believe she was a hairdresser, along with being the parent of three lovely children.

Jim is our local Meat Manager at Fairway, our go-to guy when we want that great prime rib for Christmas. He also is kind enough to scoop our driveway when it snows, saving us backbreaking work, and saving me from working about Pablo having a heart attack. He refuses to accept payment, but said we can get him a gas card. What a reasonable guy!

Nancy decided to go to nursing school even while at least some of her kids were still at home. Creston has a good program at SWCC - the local community college. Since graduation, she's been a great asset at the hospital working in wellness. Many of my buddies also see her bright and early each Friday as she's the Weight Watchers lady - cheering them on to healthier living.

Now that she and Jim are empy nesters like we are, Nanc is considered what's next? So back to school she went, traveling to DSM several times a month to attend Upper Iowa University. I think she's going for her BSN this time. Their three kids have moved to the Kansas City area, and someday Jim and Nancy could move close to them. This way Nancy will have more job possiblities.

Kudos to you Nancy! Way to keep learning.   

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