Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oh yeah, I'm a rock star!

A trash rock star. At least I felt like it today, after a compliment from the big kahuna at work. No doubt about it - there is nothing like a a few kind words from one's boss to make you feel good about what you do. Now a nice raise can go a lot farther in that department, but I hope that follows...

I had an 8:30 a.m. meeting set up with my boss Brian to discuss marketing the Environmental Management System (EMS) program that is, well, my baby at work. It's really the reason I went after the job that I have. Brian too has a lot invested in this program, which is a pilot stemming from legislation that passed in 2008.

Okay I can't stand it - skip this if you're really not interested - EMS is a new way to approach environmental excellence in our industry. The old way is called Comprehensive Planning - where waste reduction goals (25% and 50% less trash today compared to trash in 1988) were set by Iowa Code. In EMS, planning areas set their own goals in six areas - recycling, water quality, organics, greenhouse gas, household hazardous waste and education. Continuous improvement is expected.

I'm working with six planning areas who applied to be pilots in this effort. They are the "goody two-shoes" of the industry - the high achievers. We also hired a consultant who is excellent to help. It's a whole new way of thinking, and I'm still learning it - along with the pilot area staff.

So once the pilot project is done - prolly next fall or so, we hope to get more planning areas to jump on board the EMS train. So we'll need to market the program - and that's what I was chatting with Brian about this a.m.

When we were done, he told me I was doing a really great job and he knew they made a great hire. (I do agree with him. I'm a good fit for this job. - hell if there's one good thing about being old, it's that I have lots of good experience) I told Brian that I love my job and appreciate this opportunity. I said it IS hard to live away from my husband and work in Des Moines though. Just those few kind words from him put me on cloud nine the whole day.

Nothing like a little positive reinforcement to make one feel appreciated! And now for a little vacation!


amy e. goldsmith said...

way to go! and i actually read that ems stuff.

lgold said...

Okay, so picture this marketing effort - my brainstorm of this a.m. - a youtube type video clips of pilot area group meetings, complete with Ralph, the 85 year old board member from rural southern Iowa talking about what he's doing as a part of this process. To me it's the heart of why EMS works for the biggest and smallest planning areas - they each can do what they can do - assess present system and take steps to improve. Plus still photos of projects and shots of spreadsheets of goals, etc. put into a 10 minute DVD.
That's my idea to market to others who might want to be an EMS in the future in Iowa.
What do you think Creative girl?