Saturday, April 3, 2010

The cleaning lady finally showed up

She started by dancing around to the Abba CD and making Odie bark. I got Abba at the Planned Parenthood Book Sale last week. I'm a little disappointed Fernando (track 12) and beyond are scratched - what can one expect for $4. Kinda disrupts the jiven. In case you haven't figured it out, the cleaning bitch is me. The sun is shining and I'm in the mood to spiff up the place.

I like to have a clean house when I leave on a trip - in case the place burns down or something. It's like wearing clean underwear in case of an accident. I'm also thinking about my sis Suso who last year came home to a flooded home after their ice maker hose broke and water ran for a few days while they were gone - thousands of $$ damage, main floor and basement. We Bullock girls must have our ice makers thanks to Dave B. We're all ice freaks. (sidenote - I heard the gal in the next cubicle talking about this to co-workers, not me, last week saying she could do without an ice maker and it was all I could do not to jump up and shout - "you must have an ice maker! Dave Bullock's rules!" over the cubicle wall.

So I worked up a sweat dancing to my favorite Mama Mia songs, then I broke out the dusting tools and the vacuum. The Today Show talked about vacuuming the thing on the frig by the fan, and I recalled I hadn't done that in a while. You know how one thing leads to another...a couple hours later I've got the living room about done.

The plastic thing from the frig is on a towel after it took a bath. Vacuuming didn't cut it, a full bath was required. Saw a couple ants by the front door. Not that again! I hate dealing with chemicals with pets around. Spraying the house can't be good for them. May have to call the pest control peeps this year. Pablo is out trimming trees - borrowed a neighbor's pickup to haul limbs to the compost site. (see we don't need our own truck...) Still need to mop the floors and do windows.

Shout out to Alternative Leslie G - hope your vacation was grand! And that Alt Paul G didn't mind the mix up at Sahar. You out there in readerland. It's happened again! The real world refuses to admit that there are two such fabulous women with the same name. Leslie and I both now go to the salon - Sahar's in West Des Moines - but I explained to the appointment chick when I made my appointment, there are two of us. My cell number is different than hers. She's from Chariton.

Nevertheless, I got the call (while I was in Chicago at a conference no less) for LMG's pre-Florida vacation tune-up appointment. Sahar's left a voice mail as I was in a session at the time. So I texted LMG to let her know. But they must have had the appointment time wrong. The day of the appointment they called to say she missed it! I then called to explain to them (AGAIN) that there are 2 of us (just like the Doublemint Twins). The gal said "we must have put you together because I only have one phone number." Dumbshits!

So LMG arrived at her appointed time, and they didn't have it set up! She was not a happy pre-vacationer according to her email that evening. She was able to get a pedicure elsewhere I believe but other, um more personal attentions went unattended to. I think they owe her something. I'll probably get a nice gift soon. haha

Anyways - Leslie, looked like you had great weather and hope the place you stayed and your ballgames were great. Plus hope the shopping was divine. I'm hoping to score big there (avert eyes Pablo).

Okay back to mopping and windows. Abba is over and I'm on to the CD Amy made for me, a compilation of her fave tunes - which is kinda like getting a hug from my baby girl.


amy e. goldsmith said...

for some reason it bothers me when people spell fridge, "frig". in my head i think "fr-(soft i)-(soft g)".

lgold said...

One of my more creative posts recently and even some love for you and all you can comment on is my spelling of frig? (and you with your own spelling issues...)