Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More along Chestnut (Main Street) A Town

Now that I started walking down mainstreet with Bonnesons, I thought I'd reminisce about some other stores I remember. First - when I was really little there was a hamburger joint called The Spot on the corner at the top of Chestnut right by the park. The name was pretty accurate, except the word Grease should have gone on the front of the name. We'd pick it up to go, and the back would practically drip with grease.

There was a hair place along that side of the street called the Powder Puff - it was farther north at a smaller joint earlier, but moved up the street later in the years. You may have seen my blog recently about how I don't like my current Woody haircut - it reminded me of my Powder Puff haircuts when sister Cindo, ever the encouraging one, would sing "Helmut Head" to me. Sung to the tune of Baby Face. She was so very kind (thought with sincere sarcasm). Yes, she was the same person that came up with the "Groucho Moucho" song, I believe. We weren't a real musical family (except for the piano lesson/guitar/ukelele thing) but we could come up with songs to ridicule.

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