Thursday, March 4, 2010

And on down the street

In Atlantic

Beyond Cook and Caslow there was Howard's Men's Clothing, Robinson Hardware, and The Forum - a nice men's clothing store where Scott Deardorff worked. Next door was Family Shoe? Chris D worked there. And Bowers Bakery - they had delectible cupcakes before they were "IN" like they are today. I might have gotten the order of the stores mixed up - it's been a long time ya know!

I didn't even mention the City Square Park at the top of mainstreet. There is a war monument in the center - we used to like to stop to see it. Our great grandpa, Adnah David's (my Dad's namesake) name was on it. But one of us - don't know who - decided Adnah sounded like a woman's name. So we said Adnah was a nurse. Thus begat the legend.

Okay, back down the street - there wasn't a whole lot of shopping beyond those stores. Albertson's Cleaners was on the next block. Cy Albertson and his wife lived across the street from Momo and Bubba my grandparents. Because Dad was a traveling salesdude, he needed crisply starched shirts. So until we all grew up and Mom took over, Albertsons took care of that. They'd stop by each week, knock on the front door and slip in, calling out "Cleaners" and put the clean shirts in the front closet and take the dirty ones out. Such is small town life!


Thea said...

We had a milkman who would come into the house and leave the milk, etc. in the frig. My mom would leave a note with what she wanted and a $5 every so often. He'd leave what she ordered and make change. :)

lgold said...

We'd forget to get ours every once in a while and it would get sour...