Monday, March 8, 2010

Dibs N Dabs

I still say there's no better way to start a day than with my homegirls. I actually debated skipping today - to get a headstart on my workday. Then I thought to myself - workday schmirkday. Friends are what's important in life! Garbage can wait. And it did.

As the snow recedes from the roadsides like an old man's hairline, deer carcasses are revealed.

Last Saturday was the YMCA's Home and Garden Show. After an excruciatingly long winter, the people of southwest Iowa ventured out - reminding me of the Munchkins popping out after the big storm and the wicked witch's house dropping down in the Wizard of Oz. "you're out of the woods you're out of the dark you're out of the night" The world was in color! (even though it was raining outside).

My hair has reached emergency stage. (thanks Woody and you're freaking curling iron) It's so bad, I must avert my eyes from the mirror until my hair appointment. I am lined up with someone a few Crestonians go to - at Sahar. When I called to make my appointment, they thought I was ALG (Alternative Leslie G) I had to straighten them out. Then I texted her to let her know I was letting her pay my bill! LOL

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