Monday, March 9, 2009

Larping through life

Have you heard of LARPers? It stands for Live Action Role Playing people. From Wikipedia:
A live action role-playing game (LARP) is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically act out their characters' actions. The players pursue their characters' goals within a fictional setting represented by the real world, while interacting with one another in character. The outcome of player actions may be mediated by game rules, or determined by consensus between players.

I may be (am) lacking in imagination - but what are these people? A bunch of mime wannabes?

When we were visiting our friends in Northfield, MN my little buddy Lauren, college frosh at St. Olaf told about LARPers at her school. It seems they have a secret lair near her dorm and have sword fights in her dorm hallway. Her first roommate also played a ukulele, keyboard and harmonica. She practiced all hours.

Guess I'm fortunate I went to an Ag school like ISU, not a liberal arts music school. I'm sure ISU had it's own LARP types, just not in such a concentrated formula.

Prayers: Our nephew Joe (late 20's, engaged to Heather) from Port Washington, WI was in a bad car accident yesterday and is sedated with brainswelling. Prayers needed!

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