Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is it Wednesday yet?

I hate it when my internal time clock is off. This week, since I came to Des Moines on Sunday so I'm one day ahead. It should be Wednesday! Guess I'll have to suck it up and survive 2 more days until I get to go home.

One a happier note, I did get wireless Internet set up at Joan's house. Yay! Sitting in the recliner, bloggin' What a life!

I love those cheetos commercials with the cool cheeta. In one, the lady wipes her cheeto hands on the obnoxious lady's sweater, and one the other one she tosses cheetos under an annoying chick talking on her cell phone. The pigeons attack.

Which reminds me of a funny Jud story. He's blocked out his childhood so I've dedicated my life to remembering all those embarrassing things for him. He's always had a hair-trigger gag reflex. One time he was eating cheetos when he made a mad dash to our sink. Then he puked and rinsed it down with the garbage disposal, gasping "Icky Cheeto"! It seems just the thought of eating something icky makes him frup.

Which reminds me of another thing - nothing to do with vomit or cheetos. Amy (waitress to the stars) served Kenny Loggins at Beanos Cabin in Beaver Creek today. She said it was weird running his credit card through the machine. I asked her if she mentioned that her mommy has him in her CD player right now.

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