Monday, March 30, 2009


For the second time in my life, I made the big plunge to go to a chiropractor. The first time was over 15 years ago, when my back went out while lifting Jud up on the monkeybars at St. Malachy School. Pop!

It wasn't too painful, except when I breathed or moved. Yikes! Back then, one of my high school classmates, Dave Stuetelberg was a chiropractor in Creston. His wife, Julia was a known appointment nazi - they said she wouldn't let you out the door without making another appointment.

She was a scrawny thing with 1% bodyfat. I'd known her since high school too, since she hailed from Anita, a town some 10 miles from my hometown of Atlantic. Those Anita girls were always hanging out in the big city of A-town, hustling our fellas. And Julia snagged one David Stuetelberg Dr. of chiropractic.

Dave did some type of treatment (with me fully clothed thank God!) popping every joint in my back. And then I left. No appointment. I said "I'll call you if I need to" and out the door I went. It didn't get better over night, but it improved over the next couple days and I didn't need to go back to see "Doctor".

Which brings me to some 15 years later. As you all know I started a new career with Iowa DNR last December. You might not know, though, that starting a new job at age 51 caused me to have some stress! A new kid in a new town with a new place to live. I had to drive in some unpleasant (fucking Iowa weather) conditions. For the first few weeks, my desk height wasn't right for me. So I was tense, and my left shoulder and lower neck area didn't appreciate it. They began to cramp and spasm periodically - painfully so.

You would think, after 3+ months, I would have relaxed. I'm settled in. The transitioning back and forth from work to home isn't easy, but I'm used to it. I feel at home at Joan's house. I like my roomies. I love my job and people have been very nice there. DNR is a great place to work!

Yet my shoulder, arm is still periodically spasming out and sometimes causing me to gasp aloud. (not a good thing in cubicle-land! My neighbor Tom probably wonders what the hell I'm doing!) Last Monday it hurt all day until I took the big step into the air and hit the floor. I thought I was at the bottom of the stairs at Joan's - but I was still 2 up. I fell flat, scraping and bruising my knee. But hey, my shoulder didn't hurt anymore.

Then again today, it was quite painful. So I bit the bullet and called Dr. Wes, a Waukee chiro that was listed as a provider for my insurance. I went there today - had several X-Rays, had a wheelie thing measure my back, did some basic exercises to see what hurt. Then I had that treatment where the vibrating pads made my muscles contract. It hurt - in a good way.

And guess what? Tomorrow I have to go back to see Dr. Wes. I know, I know, he has no pitbull receptionist. But Doctor needs to read my X-Rays and plan my treatment. I want this thing to feel better so I feel good hoisting Coronas on the beach in Marco Island, FL 1 week from today!

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