Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tender butts

The formatting on this blog is often please don't blame me for the wacky paragraph spacing!

Never let it be said Americans are hardasses. I saw this blurb while cruising through newspapers today.

--- The Natural Resources Defense Council and Greenpeace commenced campaigns in February critical of the peculiar preference of Americans for ultra-soft or quilted toilet paper. In less-picky Europe and Latin America, 40 percent of toilet paper is produced by recycling, but Americans’ demand for multi-ply tissue requires virgin wood for 98 percent of the product. The activists claim that U.S. toilet paper imposes more costs on the planet than do gas-guzzling cars.

That is just wacked! I think I use fewer sheets because the TP is thicker. I also like strong kleenex or puffs. Not the cheap stuff that feels like a sheet of paper. I like to think I'm a good steward of our earth, but I'm not giving up my cushy paper products just yet.

I've arrived back in Creston for the weekend. Yay! The week went by pretty quickly. As I commuted this week I've been listening to a book on CD by Patricia Cornwell. It's pretty gory - the character, Dr. Kay Scarpetta, forensic pathologist, is always in on murder investigations and she describes the victims with scientific terms. I enjoy these books though because the author is good at portraying characters with multiple facets and qualities - good and bad, kind and not so kind. Just like real people.

I continue my visits to Dr. Wes, chiropractor to the stars (or lowly public servants). It does seem to be helping, my neck/shoulder seems lots better in the past week. I get re-evaluated next week. I'm pretty sure he'll be recommending that I be on the 1 or 2 times/week visits for the rest of my life program. Not likely Dr. W.
I have grown quite fond of Andrea the receptionist. It was her very first day working for DW (Dr Wes) the day I was desperate enough to go to a chiro. We've bonded, as I've spent some time sitting in the lobby. She likes to sing along with her tunes. Her husband and baby boy have been at the office a couple times, so I know the whole fam. I'd have to say she's the best new friend I've made in my 2nd home of Waukee. I know - it's sad.
I'm basically a pretty shy person. At least until I get to know people. Then I open up - probably to the point of oversharing. I'm not very secretive when it comes to telling intimate personal things to friends. Just ask my husband - I think he's still shocked by some of the things I tell people. Like this blog! I respect that others might want to be more private with their "stuff".

1 comment:

Kris said...

I love reading your "stuff"! Especially your early career ventures up North... :)