Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sharpest Scimitar

An Alex Delaware (Jonathon Kellerman) book I'm listening to had a good line in it that I heard today - "She's not the sharpest scimitar in the scabbord." Made me chuckle. I don't always feel too sharp.

Now I have a new line to describe me!
I made a new friend at work today. NOT! Actually I get the idea a woman who works on my floor does not love me as she should. I mean, what's not to like? Okay so I can be a smart ass and opinionated. But I try to hide it most of the time.
The person took offense to my suggestion that we shouldn't purchase a gift card from a certain vendor - a huge retailer that evidently had toxicity issues with their bags somewhere in the country. So I passed that information along in an email, which I said in my usual witty manner, taking care not to sound too bossy. I guess I didn't take enough care because said employee took offense. Another woman in my department said I should just "leave it alone". So I will.
But oh I won't forget! I've got quite an elephantlike memory when it comes to things like this! Like the time in 6th grade when I was going to climb onto my desk like another student was doing and Mrs. Pellett chastised me. She never did like me much. And she wasn't my fave teacher either! I don't get mad, I get even...

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