Monday, August 8, 2011

The Kitty

The kitty is getting really weak back legs. At least yesterday they were weak. When she jumped off the stool suddenly, she collapsed. And she was pretty wobbly otherwise the rest of the day.

I'm worried about her. She is 17 you know. I read on the Internet that weak back legs can be a sign of lots of things - one being chronic renal failure. She drinks lots of water - another sign.

One good thing is she's not feeling any pain. So we've got that going for us!

This is the bad part of owning a pet. A couple weeks ago She was was laying on the bed and I thought perhaps she was dead. But no...just sleeping very soundly. She's pretty deaf! Sometimes I wish she would just slip away - so I wouldn't have to make that call...

In the long run, pets are worth it. But the end-of-life decision is a gut-wrencher.


Mary MG said...

If she does have renal failure, you might want to get her on fluids. It would make her feel much better. Renal failure (unfortunately) is very common in older cats. We gave Clare subq fluids daily and she got quite used to it and it "pepped" her up.

lgold said...

She seems peppy. Just floppy. I need to check with the vet after we get back from MN.

Thea said...

I waited too long with Oreo and wished I had scheduled a day or two or three earlier with the vet. I kept hoping she would chose the time to go, but I think I should have helped her.