Sunday, August 28, 2011

Twenty niner and helping Thea pack

Me with my bestest friend

It's our anniversary today - twenty nine years! Argh and yay! I mean - I can't believe I'm old enough to have been married that long, and wow. I'm so lucky to have chosen wisely - a guy who puts up with me and that is fun, and I can put up with too. That's saying a lot. There's such comfort and friendship to a marriage of 29 years.

I'm not sure I thought about all of that when I got married. I was really just more carried away with the whole - "what do I do now?" thing. I had been dating Paul for a while -we enjoyed the same stuff. I didn't foresee what life would be life 29 years later though...when I was old and wrinkly. Sometimes crabby, but a great deal wiser than I was at 24. I'm a lucky girl to be betrothed to Paul Goldsmith!

We didn't do anything too wild this weekend to celebrate. Last night we went to 5:15 Mass, then met Deb at A&G for supper. They were serving Hurricane drinks in honor of Irene - tasty but strong! And they had a prime rib special for $15 - quite good. Gaylord's Opryland should import the cook. We enjoyed catching up with Deb on what she's been up to. Larry was busy covering a sports activity so he couldn't join us.

I did get a cool anniversary gift - a Barnes and Nobe Nook e-reader! I picked it out myself, and lo and behold they had them at Wal-Mart I discovered when we shopped there today. I got Paul a hunting trip in Colorado! (he's planning a trip there in September). Woowee - don't we know just what each other wants!

We were home early, surfing the net and watching TV. Woowee - the excitement! But we've had quite the traveling week, so a quiet night at home was a treat. Odie is enjoying having us here.

Saturday afternoon Deb and I spent some time with our friend Thea, who has been diagnosed with Myeloma, which is cancer of the bone marrow. Thea retired from her job at the Area Education Association in 2010, and had been working part time at Graceland College when she had her knee joint replaced this spring. It was during physical therapy that she and the therapists noticed problems with recovery. Life sure threw her a loop!

Deb left, with Thea on the right
So I took Odie along to provide some Odie lovin' (though she was a lil pre-occupied with Thea's doggies), and we sat on the deck to catch up a bit. Then Pablo the pool by came to pick Odie up - and he to sat by the pool on the deck for a bit. We did a few chores around the house and helped Thea pack for a trip to Mayo Clinic. She's wisely getting a second opinion there, along with getting suggestions for a treatment plan.  Thea's brother is taking her, and will spend three days in Rochester with her - a nice bonding time for siblings. That's what family is for! Prayers requested for Thea as she battles the evil C word!

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