Thursday, August 25, 2011

La Lake!

One week ago today Pablo and I were flurrying around finishing up packing the car to get to one of our "happy places". Bobbie coined the term for Osage Beach - where Sharon and Allan Higgins have a home on the lake there. It's about a 5.5 hour drive and that's what it took us - with a brief jaunt into a Wendy's for a sandwich and then it was back on the road again. You might say we were highly motivated...Higgins and McKims were already there.
Sharon and breakfast...

We arrived about 10:30 PM, in time to have a couple drinks and then we went to bed. And early night in preparation for a big day ahead! The guys got up early and went for breakfast and golf. The gals were more leisurely - Lucy Eckhoff picked us up around 9. Paul E was golfing with the guys. We had a fab gourmet breakfast - complete with a mimosa! Then we were off to shop where the bargains almost paid me to take them! There is a large Marshalls there along with an outlet mall - I had $10 off coupons for Eddie Bauer and Jockey.

Back to Higgins at 2ish and we changed into our lake gear and packed the cooler for a boat ride and nice float in the water - which was at a perfect temp this year. First we stopped by a place called Bucks for a good and greasy burger. Yum.

I decided to drink vodka/soda with a nice lime twist in my University of Margaritaville cup I got last year. It was quite delightful until Paul Goldsmith decided to tell me there were fish all around me. Geez! That creeped me out. Time to go! It was getting cool we headed to a place called Larrywood - complete with a sign just like the Hollywood sign! There I switched to weed. Jeremiah Weed sweet tea vodka - so very smooth! A great band was playing complete with a singer who looked a bit like Snoop Dog! We'd had enough to drink by then that we even danced.
Al and Donnie make a Diana sandwich

On the cruise home in Al's boat that night, under the bright stars, in the gentle late summer temperatures, Earth, Wind and Fire began to play my fave "September". We gals began to dance. I thought to myself - it doesn't get any better than this!

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