Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My father

had quite a schnoz. That's nose for all youse out there that don't speak Bullock. And to go with that beak, he had a sneeze that could scare the crap out of you when you weren't expecting it! Loud and full volumed. (we won't even get into noises he made with his other end - goose snorts, and helicopters) Okay I did get into it - but that's it. Today's blog is about sneezes.

Today, at day 2 of my Environmental Management System meeting, I sat one person away from someone with a cold and cough. He rudely just kept coughing away as the speaker tried to explain a new way of approaching environmental excellence at solid waste facilities. A big learning curve like that isn't helped by a guy hacking away. I was embarrassed for him.

Good thing I'm taking antibiotics for a sinus infection already. I know - I'm not having a good November - first the broken foot, then last weekend featuring sinus pain and 4 migraine med days in a row. My foot is feeling better though - should be out of the boot by this weekend.

I'm bummed. I can't tell if anyone out there in cyberspace is even reading my blog. No comments - no checkmarks. Have you notices the new area at the bottom where you can check if you read it or there are some other choices. I need some feedback! I know I said I do this for me, but me wants to hear from you! Thanks for your support.


Ramona I. Lynam said...

I completely understand O Bummed One. I feel the same about my posts. And I am writing mine mostly for myself and some for my public (kids).
It is especially bumming when you write something you JUST KNOW someone will comment upon and they don't.
My Dad had a big schnoz, too. I don't remember sneezes so much, but oh, the snoring.
If it helps any, I read your blogs every day. I'm always amazed at your memory and jealous of your turns of phrases.

Alternative Leslie Goldsmith said...

I now usually start my day checking out your website and I often smile at the things we share in commmon (including our names)---guess I don't want to appear too clingy or weird because of our brief kinship!! Keep on writing!! Love it and will promise to respond more often. Alternative Leslie Goldsmith

lgold said...

Aww thanks to all two of you. I'll keep plugging away.
Ramona - I read all your posts. Some more closely than others. But I'm like Alt LG - not wanting to appear too clingy or stalkerish by posting too often. Ah isn't it funny - learning about this new way of interacting?!?