Monday, November 23, 2009

A bit about a few things

A book I read recently had a very important suggestion. I've followed it all these years, but for you single girls and boys out there - there's still time to heed this advice.

"Never boink (a nice word for the real word the author used) someone who has more problems than you do." I know, I like to swear and use the F word freely. So why so shy about using it here? I'm not sure. It just doesn't seem right. I guess I like using the F word as a swear word, not as a verb.

I had issues with a "road rager" this a.m. on my way here from Crestonia. I left Creston around 6:15 a.m. and hit I-80 at a pretty busy time. There was a couple semis in the right lane, somewhere around the Adel exit. An SUV was blocking things up in the left lane - not moving much faster than the semis. But we were coming up to an on-ramp and I saw cars wanting to get on the Interstate. I checked my mirrors and saw a car in the left lane, but there was room to scoot in between that car and the one ahead of it - a couple car lengths.

So I put on my blinker and smoothly changed lanes, enraging the car behind me. Well not the car so much as the driver who I never did get a look at. He/she (I'm thinking guy) got right up on my tail and flashed his lights. Wow buddy - not that big a deal. When I was able to clear the semis and move over into the right lane, the guy flashed his lights again, pulled up next to me, swerving towards my lane and then gunned it. Fucker! There I said it - not a verb. Adjective.

Baby girl Amy (okay she's 24 but she'll always be my baby girl) called me this afternoon, on her way walking home from work. She works at Marczyk's - a gourmet market in Denver. I've not been there yet, but it sounds like a cool place. They sell upscale stuff - wines, free range meats, and it seems rare things. Ame sold a truffle mushroom yesterday for something like $484. Yikes! Wonder if that's going on a pizza pie? Not likely.

I made my inaugural visit to the Waukee YMCA tonight. It's a rockin' place. The suspended track circles 2 gyms. Tonight little guys (3/4/5 year olders) were in karate class. It was too cute - there must have been 25 of 'em. It's a beautiful facility and I look forward to going there often.

1 comment:

lgold said...

Yes, that sounds like the kinda guy to avoiding ummm you know whating.