Sunday, November 22, 2009


It was my blog about cartoons that got me thinking church thoughts. Why? Because God Damn (I can swear and just confess it it goes away after a few prayers...) Catechism kept me from watching cartoons through sixth grade!

Atlantic does not have parochial schools. So all the fish-eater children had to attend Saturday morning Catechism to learn about our faith. It was unholy torture I tell ya!

I'm not quite sure about the timing. I recall several nuns - Sr. Therese, Sr. Janice, but no real faces or stories. For a while, we had to attend religion classes in old houses around the church. The church had purchased them for a future education center. We also spent some time at the 4-H building with classrooms fashioned from movable walls. Loud! The new center was finished when I was in junior high. It was and still is a very nice facility - big gym, classrooms, kitchen.

I believe Catechism went from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. So I missed out on Johnny Quest, Spider Man, Super Man, Mighty Mouse - all those action hero cartoons of the 60's. We usually carpooled with the Reinertson family from next door. Their kids were stair-stepped with our family.

Bonnie R. was oldest - 1 year older than my sis Susan.
Then they had a token boy Donnie - we had no match unless you include our doggy bro Jud.
My sis Cindy was next (she blew off Wednesday night religion one time and got busted)
followed by Kathryn R. one year younger
then came Laurie R. my buddy and best friend until age 9 or so.
Betso Bean Bullock
and finally Annie R.

I don't know how we all fit in one car - no seatbelts necessary of course. This makes me chuckle. Reinertsons had a maroon Buick or some such car. After Catechism one Saturday a.m. we saw it parked outside the new Ed facility, so we got in, waiting for Rosemarie R. to come out and drive us home. But then she drove up in the maroon Buick. We had been sitting in Monsignor Kane's car of the same color make and model! Jesus!

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