Saturday, May 31, 2014

Farewell teacher - you did a fine job

Shawn and fiance

As one goes through life...priorities change. Until I had school-age children I didn't really consider how important it is to have quality schools. When that time rolled around for us - we were blessed to be in Creston - where there is a good public school system, and there is a Catholic school. St. Malachy.

I wasn't sure I wanted to send my children to parochial school. I grew up in Atlantic where that wasn't an option - we attended Catechism on Saturdays and Wednesdays instead. Catholic school required tuition. The children would attend church each week on Thursday. There would be tradeoffs compared to attending public school.

To help decide between the two school systems, I decided to volunteer to work in the St. Malachy Library - situated right across the hall from the Kindergarten class. During that time period the school was floundering a bit at the helm. There were a couple principals who didn't work out so well. Especially the one they let go during the year. She had the bright idea of purchasing a traffic light for the lunch room - when the noise level got to light! Bomb.

But, as I sat at my pretend librarian's desk I could hear what was going on across the hall - in the Kindergarten room. Ms. Shawn Milligan lovingly interacted with the young students while teaching them. She was firm when she needed to be. I liked her approach. I was sold. Paul and I attended the St. M Open House and our decision was made. Amy would attend the Catholic School followed by Jud who also had Ms. Milligan. He was in the "Big" class - 24 students, so they had a teacher's aid.

This was Shawn Milligan's last week at St. Malachy after 24 years. She is moving to Omaha and is soon to be married. Congrats to her! The town of Creston and the school will miss certainly her! I'm glad Amy and Jud had Shawn as their teacher and that I was able to known her. What a great person. Here's what she said on Facebook:

Today I closed the door on my classroom at St. Malachy for the final time. I am incredibly grateful for the past 24 years. I was blessed to have a job I loved and to work with people I enjoyed and came to love like family. Thank you for the many wonderful and sometimes stressful memories. You have left and indelible mark upon my heart and soul.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Summa time

Memorial Day kicks off summer. Finally! It's been a long time coming in Iowa. If you read this blog or are my "friend" on Facebook then you've seen a litany of complaints by me. Someone who of her own free will lives in Iowa - land of four seasons.

Winter was quite brutal this year. I've grown soft. And old. Why...back in the day, winters didn't bother me as much as this one. As a kid I enjoyed torturing my mother by going outside to play in the snow and coming in all snowy and wet. Several times a day. How fun for her - dealing with the soggy woolen gear. No dri-Fit back then!

I learned this year (weather people are such Encyclopedias) that my time at college in Ames, Iowa were terrible weather years. quote one of my least fave sayings, to us, "it was what it was." We didn't let Mother Nature stop us. (except from going to class a couple times). We stood outside That Place in sub-zero temps to get into the popular bar featuring free peanuts in the shell and warmish beer. My roomies and I carried a grocery cart through the HyVee lot when the snow was too deep. We'd gathered the makings for Vic's Pasta in Pot recipe. And beer. We then hunkered down at 230 Campus Avenue for a Royal Rummy card game festival.

This year winter wore me out. There was no sledding, nor Rummy. There might have been some rum. Pablo and I have been eagerly awaiting summer. It's been staggering towards us like it's been drinking rum. Now it's hot! I love it - except for the overly air-conditioned establishments.  Deck time. Farmer's Market - for real with tomatoes, corn - all the good stuff!

There are the outdoor activities - walking, biking and my favorite - reading on the deck. Paul manages to find yard work to do - even in our town home situation. Potted plants and some landscaping he received permission from the yard gods to do. Our neighbor Vicki (not my former college roommate) planted coneflowers of all colors in the newly landscaped area. Oops - Paul forgot to get the god's approval. Mea Culpa.
no mowing..kinda nice

I can't wait for my sisters to visit DSM and to go to Oregon for the fam reunion. I just signed up to work at the State Fair - corndog anyone? Is the Lake in our future? Lazy summer weekends? Goldsmith Golf. A trip to Tahoe? A visit from Aunt Jean and Uncle Bruce will finish up our summer. It will be perfect.

I decided to get my summer do. Hair, that is. This time of year the humidity takes its toll on my person - in some good ways and bad. Plus it was time for a full color. Sarah wanted to go all Miley Cyrus on me - shaving the sides. I don't think it would look quite as nice on a 56-year old...I went a little darker, but still have the blond highlights. What can I say? We all need a little spice in our lives.
teeth - check
skin - check
hair - check
hmmm my toenails are looking a bit ragged again.
It's hell being a girl!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Vail and Jiggety Jig

We spent Sunday evening and Monday in the Vail suburb of Edwards, where Cindo lives. She invited our pals Bonnie and Eric over for marinated skirt steak on the grill. I'm proud of my sis - after Bolder died, these are skills she had to learn - lighting the grill and cooking. She nailed it! It was fun to catch up with B&E - they're heading to Spain soon on vacation. #jealous.

Monday morning we headed to Minturn to the Turntable for breakfast. Kitschy place - we snapped a photo outside. Aren't I a hottie? I didn't know Paul could play the guitar...

After a huge fattening breakfast we headed east to Vail (Minturn is off I-70 in between Edwards and Vail) to do a bit of shopping. Looking really as most of the wares in Vail are out of our price range. #01%. We stopped in a store where a lightweight jacket was $1,068. Gulp. I tried not to get my grimy paws on it.

It was a gorgeous morning and there was an event going on in town - a run was just finishing up and runners were wearing cool medals. I was jealous. The sun was shining and bands were setting up to play. I saw bloody marys being served.
We hung out with this guy - Albert he said his name was...
Love the climbing girl - and the other people too
After shopping in Vail we swung through Edwards and I bought a book - something in my budget. Then we spent time on Cindy's deck reading. It was nice sitting in the sun. Later we went to Bonnie and Eric's for supper. Shaloy and Jim came over too! They were just back from picking up a conversion van in Texas #carryoncamping! Good eats!

We said goodbye to Cindo that night when we went to bed. We got up at 4 a.m. and took off early for home. It's beautiful seeing the sun coming up in the mountains. And getting through Denver before the traffic starts up! We listened to "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" all the way, arriving about 4:30 p.m. Nice to be home again in Ioway. Jiggety Jig.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Junction

On Saturday Amy, Paul and I headed west to Grand Junction - where my sister Susi lives with her husband Jim. We stopped in Vail and picked up Cindo on our way - stopping in Eagle at Moe's for a bit 'o lunch. Great ribs! Our nephew Colby is a manager at Moe's - this one last year and during the winter, one in Lion's Head.
nom, nom, nom
The drive from Vail to GJ is beautiful - through the Glenwood Canyon. There are hot springs in Glenwood Springs - you can smell the sulfur. Once one gets past there, things flatten out and become more arid - there are fruit trees and farms, all watered of course.

Garmin told us the way to Susi's new home. Susi and Jim moved there a couple years ago. It's a gorgeous place - with the master bedroom and the laundry on the main floor. There are four bedrooms upstairs for when the family comes home. There are two grandsons now!
My grandmother purchased this mirror - and would never spill how much is cost. Now Susi displays it proudly
The gang on the patio
Our niece Jordan and her girlfriend Jill arrived shortly after we did. S&J cooked a feast and we even drank lemondrop martinis. The weather tried not to cooperate - it was a bit chilly, but they even have a heater on the patio. Jim grilled a big rack of pork - yummy! We had corn and melon on the grill too. Dessert was a couple fab tarts.

There is a walking/biking trail behind the house and a hayfield beyond that - it belongs to an estate. Susi has made it her personal mission to learn the names of all the dogs walking by on the trail with their people. She even has treats for them. The highlight Saturday night was when the doctor from next door walked by with her cats - Persians I believe. They supposedly have "pelts" instead of fur. Interesting.

Sunday morning we had a big breakfast. It's a good thing I don't live with Susi and Jim. I'd be huge! Cindy, Susi, Paul and I did take a walk later even though it was misting lightly. Good thing I don't melt like the Wicked Witch! The vistas are so striking in Grand Junction.

Then it was time to say goodbye - to Amy as well as the Alvillars. It's always hard to leave our girl. We will see Susi and Jim in Oregon in about a month. Yay. Jordie? It could be Christmas...hugs all around. Plus I took this great pic of our hosts.
our hosts

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Love hanging with A in Big D

We love spending time with Amy in Denver. Mother Nature actually dared to rain on us this year! She showed her colors on our way into town Thursday night as we drove in - in beautiful fashion with sun shining through clouds and mountains as the backdrop - beautiful! I always think of God when I see sights like that...must be those dramatic Italian paintings.
Amy's roommate Megan is back from Europe. She traveled there for a month with her dad. Then, when she traveled back from Mason City to Denver after returning, she drove through tornadoes just past Omaha. When Megan saw semi trucks on their sides, and the sky turned green, she figured something was wrong! She ended up taking cover with octogenarians in Seward, Nebraska. It was quite a story!

I love walking from Amy's place to the restaurants. We didn't go to Jelly for breakfast - instead heading to a place near the art gallery - where we passed by these two cool things on a beautiful morning.
Unsinkable Molly Brown's statue
This sculpture is so fitting for me - the trash lady
After shopping that day, I hung out in the veranda area outside Amy's place - which is the coach house of a mansion. It later welled up and rained again - but I enjoyed my time reading in the shade.
that's a bubbling fountain over my shoulder
So pretty out there
We slept in Amy's bed - the light in there in the a.m. is very nice. And as a graphic designer, she's a good decorator too!
Note her Iowa license plate is on the wall - she didn't forget her roots...
She took a photo of us - after a stop at a brew pub for food and brewskis, we walked to another bar in the rain for a giant hot cookie. Amy snapped this pic. We were representing the colors! Tomorrow - onto to Grand Junction!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

If I were Twenty-two

I don't usually read LinkedIn - the website. But I did yesterday and discovered they do articles...who knew? They're running a series where influencers share lessons of their youth. The most recent in the series is this one "If I Were Twenty-two".

I read several pieces by these "influencers". My favorite was by Guy Kawasaki - who is described as  chief evangelist of Canva, an online graphic design tool. He's worked at Google and Apple too - so pretty decent credentials...maybe not ranking up there with First National Bank in Creston, Gits, a landfill and Iowa DNR...but, he probably makes a living.

Here are a few highlights from Guy - many have to do with the job world:
Challenge the known and embrace the unknown - in my words - don't be a Zombie
Be brief. Contrary to school, in the work place there are few minimums.  Here are guidelines: email—five sentences; presentations—tens slides and twenty minutes; report—one page.
Tell stories, do demos, and use pictures. The most enchanting people tell stories, do demos, and use pictures to influence and persuade others. They do not belittle or berate.
Make your boss look good. That is your job.
Continue to learn. Learning is a process not an event, so you should never stop learning.
He says: Don't get married too soon. He got married at 32. He said people change so much and if they rush into marriage it might be too early. I'm torn on this - yes it's true, we do change, but in good marriages - at whatever age, we change and grow together.
Enjoy your family and friends before they are gone. Nothing--not money, power, or fame--can replace your family and friends or bring them back once they are gone.

I didn't reprint the whole essay Mr. Kawasaki wrote. If you're interested - and can get to it without logging in, here is the link: Blog.

I thought I'd take a stab at my own essay. I'm an influencer. Yah.

If I were 22 - I'd trim that afro...

If I Were Twenty-Two
If I were twenty-two - and already knew what I know now, I would live my life differently. Of course it's easy to say now...looking in the rearview mirror.
  • Set goals - personal, job, financial. I let life just take me in its currents. I wish I'd been more purposeful.
  • Appreciating your family. I was caught up in the post-college frenzy of activities - visiting friends, weddings, getting accustomed to my job. My grandparents died when I was 23. I wish I would have spent more time with them.  
  • Friends are so important - old, new - they're all good. Make the effort to stay in touch - to get together with buddies who live nearby as well as other places. It's worth it!
  • Job-hunting sucks. It's a tough-gig. Treat job hunting as your job - be persistent and follow up on any leads. Don't be afraid of starting in an entry level position - the experience will benefit your career down the road. Every job I've had has helped me in some way later.  
  • Be a good employee - someone others can count on. Show up when you're supposed to - prepared for the job. If you're sick - don't show up and cough all over everyone and talk about how sick you are.
  • If you hate your job - do us all a favor and find another one.
  • Are you a glass half empty person? Try to figure out why...fill that cup up. There are lots of ways to do it. Exercise, therapy, fun - there are lots of ways. You might see your physician to start the conversation. Remember - no other person can make you happy - it's on you!   

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Crazy thoughts

My friend Cindy says the term might be 5 to 7 in the penitentiary. I was searching for a term for when someone has a nearly uncontrollable urge to do something. That's what she came up with!

Like today...twice I walked by unattended UPS trucks. The drivers had just gotten out, arms laden with packages. The trucks have no doors - they're just begging for someone to get in. I have had the urge to hop in, honk the horn and wave at the driver - just to see the look on his face.

No, I won't do it - at least until I'm a cute little old lady. There should be a term (not prison) for that. Brown-A-Honka or something...
Walking in the 'hood - again the urge...but I kept on walking
Speaking of crazy - that East Village in DSM is crazy with building. Now a "boutique" hotel is going in right down the block from the Wallace Building. I hope they put parking in with it!
Looking north
The flowers are a little later than usual in the Governor's Plaza west of the Capitol - but they're finally blooming. I took a walk at lunchtime today - on down to the Allspice Store. My sis Cindo needs blood orange olive oil. Her wish is my command.

We're heading out to Amy's in Denver for a couple nights, then will pick Cindy up in Edwards (near Vail) on our way to Susi's in Grand Junction. She and Jim moved to a new home a couple years ago and we haven't gotten to see it - so now is our chance! We'll head back to Cindy's until we drive all the way back on Tuesday.

Odie is coming with us - she's mighty thrilled! Last time we left her with a sitter she snapped 2 toenails off and they're still not growing in. (dog trauma...$230 worth) This way she can terrorize Beck and Goose - Cindo's cats. But Lucy's dead. LOL. (inside joke with the Alvillar girls - my sister Susan told my nieces that their elderly dog had gone over the rainbow bridge - and was new to these newfangled abbreviations - thinking LOL meant lots of love. Lucy was a great smooth haired fox terrier that loved to play fetch non-stop.

Odie would have hated her. Odie's a bitch - to dogs. Mostly because she wasn't raised around other dogs - my fault for not socializing her more. She sure loves people though. She's a bit leery of little people - kids who tend to want to get in her face. I need to pack her bag!

Other stuff -
Does anyone else love that commercial where the mom Skypes the family and the dad says "we have it all under control" and when the view/call is over you see that the house is an explosion of food/mess. It's advertising washable paint. Funny.

I sucked at Chemistry. So I really appreciate this. Georgia HS senior class prez and good student Paris Gray put this as her personal quote in the yearbook. When HS officials caught on, she was suspended. For being clever.

Cooler heads prevailed and they are allowing her to walk with her class. As the Mashable article said - "well played, Ms. Gray, well played."

Monday, May 19, 2014

Atlantic Wayback Machine - fast food

I'm still listening to "Q is for Quarry", the Sue Grafton book set in the 80's. It's been kind of fun going down memory lane as the book progresses. One of the characters in the book is recovering from cancer and has a hankering for fast food. He' an old guy who hasn't experienced it before - oh, you know what I'm talking about. Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.

Yeah, the golden arches had made it to Atlantic, Iowa by the 80's - but I was no longer living in town by then. In my golden era, the 70's we had Lally's! It was down by Sunnyside Pool, right on Highway 6 by Pizza Hut. The restaurant was owned by a family named Mullally - Mike and Judy, originally from LeMars. The restaurants were burger joints - the food, was good in my recollection.

I know a little bit about Lally's because my high school boyfriend Mike McCauley worked I hung out there a bit...flirting, ya know. He looked so cute in his little white cook's hat. He had to wash his hands with salt and lemon to get rid of the onion smell. I gave him my beloved class ring to wear on his pinky...he lost it. didn't end up in someone's burger Phew! It was found in the parking lot. Needless to say I got that sucker back. (Meanwhile I still wore his all wrapped in yarn - so romantic!)

In the book I'm listening to, Kinsey orders a pizza. I couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't a Pizza Hut pepperoni. Or thin Supreme? Oh Pizza Hut, why won't you just go retro and return to your original menu. (keep the wings though). Pizza, Hoagies, Salads. Damn good. #whymesswithsuccess
They had updated this logo by the time a store opened in Atown

I remember when I was a lifeguard - I'd buzz over for lunch and purchase a nice sandwich -  creamy Italian salad dressing, lettuce, several type of meat on an Italian hoagie bun toasted nicely. Delish and all for like $2.75. Plus a Dr. Pepper - my drink of choice back then....when I could slurp down 300 calories of sugar and not consider the consequences...another boyfriend (ah but it was very brief) Rick Ortiz, worked there along with the rest of his fam - dad and sister Renee.

Check out this Pizza Hut commercial from 1975.

The next place east was a fave - but not normally for real food. Dairy Queen was for creamy delicious softserve ice cream with a curly cue on top. I remember when the prices started at $.10 or for a vanilla cup for our doggie Jud. When I went to DQ with other families I always suffered the dilemma - should I go big and expensive or just get a slush, which is pretty much sugar, color and ice. What was the name of the family who ran that place? Their daughter is a couple year older than I am. Gail? Later they gave up the expensive franchise.

Crossing Olive Street on Highway 6, briefly Quick's had a place along Highway 6. My sister Cindy says they had the most delish Maidrites with frigid cold milk. I myself loved their donuts. They had a place downtown for a time too - I don't know which was first.

Next came the A&W - which later became Town and Country. Damn you franchises and all your fees! I missed the Mama Burger, Papa Burger, Teen Burger and even the Baby Burger. Those little tiny root beer mugs were so cute! That restaurant had window ordering and carhops. My friend (no not boyfriend this time) Mona worked there. She would make me extra special Pepsi Floats. The food was pretty good too. The poor owners - a young couple with children -  lived right by the restaurant and had no life...except for the restaurant.

That was pretty much it for what I consider "fast" food. There were other places one could carry out from. The "Bowlocks" would order carryout from the Pines (we call it The Pin due to an unfortunate burn out of the neon during a period of time), across Highway 6 and a bit east from the A&W - best broasted chicken in SW Iowa. I'd sometimes ride along with Dad to pick up the food. we'd sit at the bar - he'd order me up a Shirley Temple while our food was finished up. I think Dad drank something else. My drink came with fruit and one of those animal shaped swizzle sticks. Yay - a new toy.
I love the word swizzle

Each order came in its own little box and we'd get a special order of their signature relish tray item - cheese, corn relish, pickled herring. I would get legs and wings with a baked potato. Plus a salad with their special salad dressing - they bottle it today. I need to stop and get some. Yumm. My Aunt Jeanie love their Oinker' Sauce.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Waveland Hello to Julie

Pablo and I ran into Julie (not sure of her name now) Duree at the Waveland this morning. We were just getting our breakfast around 7:30 a.m. and she and her boyfriend were just leaving. It was nice to say hello to an old friend. She said she lives just north of us in a townhome near St. Francis church. She reports her three girls are doing just fine. Amy Duree was in our Amy's class in Creston and now lives in Omaha.

After our brekkie (we decided to dine indoors due to the 46 degree temp) we headed to the FM (Farmer's Market). Despite the chilly thermometer reading, it was really quite delightful out - no wind. We watched two helicopters land on the Court Avenue bridge for Public Works Day. All the gear was out. We walked across on the footbridge by the police station - loved the shadows and lighting.
I loved the booth featuring flower arrangements. Alas I didn't purchase any - as we're leaving for Colorado on Thursday. Plus my flowers from the Cherubs are holding up okay. We stopped at Gateway Market for meat on our way home.

After we got home, Pablo went to work landscaping around the ugly utility boxes in between our unit and Vicki's - in #4. He's been hauling rock back from where he hunts in rural Union County for months. I hope he doesn't have a hernia! Who says townhouse dwellers don't have yard duties?
Odie and I supervised from the deck. Later I did do some detailing on my car in the driveway. It was a fabulous day - mid 60's. We went for a bike ride late in the afternoon. We grilled burger tonight - the ones we bought from Gateway were delish! Perfect spring day.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Top to bottom

Last Friday it was my teeth. Then Monday I had face work done. Today it was a visit to the chiropractor - diagnosis - bulging disc. This 'ol body needs a great deal of work to keep functioning! Top to bottom.
The Chiro - Dr. Jon Roed at Des Moines Spine and Sport yanked my spine out of my body and put it on this rack. No, not really. But he did give it a pretty good work over. I'd noticed my lower back was a bit tender lately. Then Monday morning I got out of bed for a potty visit and about dropped to the floor when my knee buckled from pain.

Dr. Jon to the rescue. I seem to have a bulgy disc problem. Right after I write this I'll go do my exercises. And Dr. J even gave me a routine to do at my stand up work station. I hope to be right as rain in no time.

Tonight Pablo and I checked out the Russian place - Irina's - over on Hickman. They're famous for vodka. Gee - so am I! We ordered a couple martini's. Lemondrop for me, and dirty for him. We also ordered chick wings and onion rings.

I liked the lighting there. A video of artwork and photos played along the far wall. A giant Grey Goose bottle shined of difference colors along with the bar. The wall looked like water bubbling. It was cool! The drinks were okay - not "The Standard" quality. Fun to try, but I'll head back downtown for my next martini. Or I'll stay in our neighborhood. Glad we tried it though.
Yes, it's another hat. They keep sun off my face and cover bad hair...what's not to like?

Isn't the lighting cool?


Last night - Team Building was at El Bait Shop

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Going jogging

How long has it been since you've heard the term "Jogging"? I'm listening to a book on CD, by author Sue Grafton. She's written a whole series set in the late 1980's. When the main character Kinsey Millhone's clock radio alarm goes off in the morning, she gets up to jog. If you like detective novels, these are good!

Jogging was all the rage in the 1970's. It was like the word was invented then. All of the sudden people were wearing workout clothes and were "trotting or running at a slow or leisurely pace." (from the Wikipedia) Sometimes with sweaters tied around their necks - oh wait - that was the 1980's.
Today we just call it running

And who thought of combining clocks and radios. Genius! Before that we just had alarm clocks and transistor radios - or big giant radios. My college roomie Vicki had a cool clock radio with numbers that flipped.
Why who is that in the background of this pic of Vic? Robyn and Roger?
there was a slight problem - some of the numbers didn't quite drop right. Still it was quite groovy! I recall waking up to the sound of the numbers flipping. When one had a hangout - it was quite loud. I only had a cube with a regular clock and radio. Not as cool. I'm glad groovy Vicki was my roomie.
Paul's head gets run over

Pablo and I took a step back - at least we sat with a couple people who did at El Bait Shop for Team Building. The bar is connected to the High Life Lounge - and a couple guys slipped over there and got two-fers on Grain Belt and Old Style beer. Yum. If you don't have anything else to drink that is...Paul and I drank a blue corn beer from Confluence Brewery in DSM.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My son

I received a Mother's Day card from my son yesterday. I get tears in my eyes when I think of it. What a cool guy he's turned out to be! I've bragged about him before - but he just keeps getting better. Some of the credit goes to his girlfriend Kara. Hanging out with a woman has helped put him in touch with those thoughtful things that many guys don't think of on their own - like flowers that arrive right on Mother's Day.

Jud actually wrote in the card he sent - he didn't just sign it. He's learned that about me - I like to read stuff! What he wrote was really sweet. Gulp. Cue the tears. Diana McKim would have been blubbering...

Jud called last night. He seems to like St. Louis so far. A Creston High classmate, Scott Vicker, has introduced him to some of his St. Louis University friends. Scott attended the school on a track scholarship and several buddies still live in the city. Jud is playing softball with one pal. Scott now works in Creston but he traveled to St. L last weekend. Jud got together with him and his friends for a meal and drinks - it sounded like he really enjoyed it. 

He said he wished he would have hung out with Scotty during high school. That's not how it works though, is it? In HS we're pulled so many ways - afraid of not being "cool". Many times the people you hang out with as an adult aren't the ones you would have as a kid. Or if you're are still pals with your friend you met when you were 3! Right Robbie Dob?

Jud's working at Boeing - that Company seems to have an interest group for about everything, since they employ so many people in St. Louis. He's looking forward to playing soccer this summer and even football (I'm assuming it's flag - I don't think he's suiting up for the Rams) in the fall. Along with the softball league he's in - he's bound to have a passel of buddies in no time. Maybe he'll join a book club. haha.

Pardon my motherly gushing. Those of you who have known me (and Jud) for a long time know it wasn't always a smooth road. He was no hoodlum, but I had my share of sleepless nights. Worried he might always have tantrums, or wouldn't pass Spanish. Stuff like that. Looking was all worth it. And for all you young (and not so) moms out there, I hope you are blessed with a child (or children, because Amy too has sent letters and cards like this one) who write to you and express what you mean to them. Even if they can't find the words to express it on paper or'll know.

Our niece's daughter filled out this for Mom's day. Naomi is 2. I got a kick out of it.
Jud and Amy did a lot of publications like these through the years - though I don't think I was ever described as looking like a pea...

Monday, May 12, 2014

A face tune up - no botox

A couple weeks ago I had my annual skin checkup. Fair skinned folks like myself are prone to skin cancer. Dad and sisters have a history of precancerous spots that required removal. I have had several zapped with liquid nitrogen, plus one basal cell spot removed. #badskingenes
Hotties cooking

Toss in the fact that I spent a great deal of time in the sun growing up - we were pool rats! Followed by several years simmering in the sun on the Atlantic swim team and then as a lifeguard. Coppertone was applied to encourage the sun to caress one's skin - not to block it. Or we put on baby oil with iodine at times - I'm not sure what that was about. Later we did start adding Zinc Oxide - a sun block on our noses.

I fried pretty much every which way. Not only at the pool - but as an equal opportunity burner - on the mountain. I burned my face so badly in college I developed orange blisters and my lips swelled up so that I...well, had lips! (my nickname has been zipper lips through the years)

After all of these years am I considered well-done now? Do I get the plastic thingy stuck in my head like a steak? Unfortunately - my skin doesn't cook evenly. What I ended up with are well-done spots. Age spots. Oh I pretended they were my long-lost freckles come back for a while, but there's no denying it now. Aging skin - brown and even red little clusters right on my face. How nice for me.

When I had my skin check I asked the nurse practitioner about ways to treat some of the issues I was seeing with my increasing age. I don't think of myself as a vain person - I just want to be happy with who is looking back at me in the mirror. Just like chemical assistance for my hair my skin needed a lil help. For the bestest me!

Ellen is a Clinical Aesthetician at Koch Facial Plastic Surgery and Spa. She was just the person to talk me through this thing - very professional in explaining what would happen, how it would work and how it would feel. Ellen asked a great deal about my genetics - how well this machine works depends on the skin type one has. She said I sounded like a perfect candidate. The best thing is that I'm no longer a sun goddess! I ended up having a partial facial treatment - on a machine that's not really a laser.

It's call photorejuvenation or Intense Pulsed Light. It kinda hurts and even with little protective glasses I could see a "lightning bolt" each time she zapped me. Ellen talked me through it. It was $99. Every spot she treated turned darker immediately. Then they'll dry up and go away. She said a few of the lighter ones may need to get hit again. The left side of my face had more spots...why? From driving! Subaru - put a filter on those windows!

Ellen used to be a dental hygienist. She loves her job she told me. I could tell! Ellen says I should put sun block on my skin each day. It should have zinc in it, she said - and not just be sunscreen. Hmmm. I don't think the type I have qualifies - need to find some. If you're tanning - you might consider fake tan - it might save you some treatment on down the line!

I'll let you know if my face dries up and falls off...
Happy Mom on Mother's Day Thanks kids!


If you've not tried Trader Joe's chips - they're like $3 - 3 thumbs up according to Pablo

Pablo made seared scallops for my special meal - even though I'm not his mother

Saturday, May 10, 2014

What's your sign? Find out here. I'm a rooster..

This morning I read a Washington Post article that said some Chinese couples are rushing to give birth during Year of the Horse. I thought it might be a little late at this point in the year to try for conception until I read that the Chinese year isn't the same as ours - so they have until mid February to pop out their lil filly or foal. They don't wish to have their child born during 2015...the Year of the Sheep (also called Goat or Ram), which has less positive attributes than the Horse. 

Supposedly nine of ten people born during the year of the sheep are...well - sheep-like. I know I sound somewhat - okay a great deal - smart ass. But we must realize this is their culture. Many of the Chinese people have been raised with these beliefs - just as we have grown up with traditions and religious beliefs of our own. It sounds funny and a bit ridiculous to us...but I'm sure it makes perfect sense to them. How many high rise building have you been in that don't have a 13th floor?

The article made me ponder...what Chinese zodiac year was I born in? Animal signs are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Am I a sheep? Or a Dragon - the undisputed favorite. Other top picks are the tiger and horse. Even the rat ranks above the sheep. Eeew. I Googled to find this - click here and see the input thingy on the right. I hope it's not an infected site that will take your birthdate and haunt you with it...
 Zodiac Website
Put in your birthdate and find your zodiac sign.

I'm a Rooster!

From the linked website - much of the description does pretty much nail me...I didn't copy all of it, just the highlights: StrengthsThey are deep thinkers considered to be honest, bright, communicative, ambitious, capable and warm-hearted. They have strong self-respect and seldom rely on others.
Weaknesses: They are critical and think they are always right. Like their fortunes, their emotions swing from very high very slow. They can be positive but selfish, caustic and too outspoken. They are narrow-minded and vain. (oops my bad ya'll -  I'm working on these things...)
Horoscope and Numerology ElementsAuspicious Directions: west, southwest, northeast - I grew up in SW Iowa, and love Colorado!
Lucky Colors: golden, brown, brownish yellow, yellow; Avoid white green  - what no blue?
Lucky Numbers: 7, 5, 8; Avoid: 3, 9, 1 - I have always loved #7 and am the #3 daughter
Lucky Flowers: gladiola, impatiens, cockscomb - I insisted the we purchase impatiens today at the greenhouse
Zodiac Sign Compatibility - Best match: ox, dragon, snake; Avoid: rat, rabbit, dog - Paul is a dog! Jud is a Dragon and Amy and Ox. I've done pretty well with my doggy mate.

my dogman
N Drew pillows
The WaPo article goes on to say that a spokesperson for the folk literature and art society says the zodiac superstitions are outdated and unfair. Just like the one for poor old number 13. Susperstitions die hard - because we all want that edge...anything we can do to start that little one out on the right foot...or zodiac sign!

Saturday's DSM Farmer's Market was a bit damp. It rained while we dined at the Waveland Café, but refrained from droppage whilst we walked through the market. There's something about shopping with live music in the background. Today we discovered a craft lady who specialized in Nancy Drew items.
Picked out the flowers with the steel band in the background

We stopped at Canoyers for more plants on our way home. They're like crack.

Canoyers - the mother ship is in Griswold, IA