We had a great trip! It really feels like many little trips, because we packed so much into a short time. Pablo and I took off about 1 PM on Thursday. We decided to stop at the Atlantic Cemetery on the way - to honor the Bullock family who have passed on, including our baby boy Patrick George, 12/2/91-12/8/91.

We stopped in Greenfield and purchased a nice planter of fresh flowers to place on his grave. When we turned in to the cemetery, we stopped at the hose to water the thing. When we stopped at the top of the hill at the Bullock plot, to hop out of the car with Odie to place the flowers, a lil old guy came buzzing up on a golf cart that was about as old as he was to say "No Pets - didn't you see the sign?" No I didn't. I've been taking pets to that cemetery for a long time. We snapped off a quick picture and put the offending wiener in the car.
Then it was back on the road again. We got to Kearney, Nebraska around 6ish. It was hot. We checked into the Microtel - a nice little place for under $60. Then it was off to our very first Cabela's - Paul's hunting supply/clothing mecca. In fact he loves it so much we have a Cabela's Black credit card - and earn points on it - so Pablo says we get "free" stuff from Cabela's. Ha! Since the olden days when we used to drag our young children to this store, they've built many huge showplace stores around the Midwest - and this one now looks small and dingy!
Fifteen years ago or so, we'd stop there on our way to Vail and we'd bargain with the kids - shop for a while and then we'd find a playground. They had eyes like hawks when it came to scoping out playgrounds! Paul found a nice pair of boots at the store Thursday - free (and he thinks I have lots of shoes...).

Friday it was on to Denver and Marczyk's where Amy works. We hung out - a clerk helped us scope out stuff for my Aunt Marty and Uncle Bill for letting us stay at their place. Bacon chocolate candy bar, chips and salsa and more! We got wine for Cindo and Boldie. When Amy came out and was properly greeted by her canine sissie we bought sandwiches and ate them in the little picnic area outside the store, then it was off to the mountains - with a shopping stop in Silverthorne at the Outlet stores where they let you take doggies into shops! How cool, said Odie.

Got to Lefebvres house in Edwards, just past Vail around 4:30 PM. Cindo was busy whipping up chocolate bread pudding. Colby, the chef fantastique was assisting. Yum! Paul started in on Coronas while Amy went for a run. I had water until switching to a vodka lemonade bevvie. We were all pretty lit by the time Bolder got home. Menu: Colbs made some French bread toasted with a fancy name chopped tomato/salsa like stuff, and another with cheese and 3 kinds of mushrooms. For supper: steak with lobster butter, broccolini, salad with a caesarlike dressing. And then the warm bread pudding with ice cream. Odie even had broccoli. Damn they can cook!
We ate supper at a cool retro restaurant named Steubens that was walking distance from Amy's downtown apartment. I had a drink whipped up with several ingredients include lemon, raspberry? and honey - in a martini glass. The next day we did this interesting historical tour of Denver - on a corny bus that looked like a shack and whistled and neighed like a horse. It was fun and informative. Denver is sunny 300 days a year and Colorado is the 2nd fittest state behind Hawaii - and all those people were outside yesterday.
The topper of the weekend (besides seeing my fam) was last night. We had to concert - walk down memory lane. Bands of our youth - Kansas, Styx and Foreigner. I talked about them a few blogs back. We stopped at this liquor superstore and got Twisted Lemonade that I liked. We chugged 'em going into Red Rocks - slow traffic as the show was SOLD OUT! Yeah baby old people know how to rock!
Then we had to park on the road into the venue and hustle our asses up there over hill and dale - my 52 year old butt. Because of the slow traffic we could hear Kansas playing! Hurry...and there were stairs - lots of them. Jeez. I was dying. Wheezing. Found seats in the middle at the top and Amy got us bevvies - during song 2. Red Rocks looks out over the City of Denver with 2 huge red rock slabs beside you.
Kansas was very good. Styx ended up being my favorite! It was dark by the time Foreigner played and a beautiful night - I felt so lucky to be with 2 of my 3 fam members and drinking beverages overlooking Denver on a gorgeous night. I love live music! It just touches your soul somehow, and brings joy.
It was a short night at Amy's and then a long drive back home today, listening to a Lee Child novel I picked out because I knew Paul would like it.
Damn good time! I like the Denver area - not really the traffic or the big city party - but the fact that the people are so outdoorsy, and there is so much to do. It was fun to spend that much time with Amy - and I'm sure she was ready for us to go. We were ready to be home, and to sleep on our own beddy byes!