Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mommy's Day

It was a nice Mommy's Day. Got a hug and a nice card from #1 son - he even wrote a lil something in there - not just his name. Amy called to check in - a phone hug if you will. The two of them conspired to get the two of us tickets to a kick-ass concert Memorial Weekend.

We'll be going to see Kansas, Styx, and Foreigner. All figured heavily in my childhood - okay my teenhood and twenties - and thus ever since. Kansas was the first of these groups I ever knew of. I believe Scott Deardorff was the influence there - just liked he turned me on to early Aerosmith. Yeah, I heard all the good tunes at the Deardorff household - cuz they were a musical family, so they had a great sound system and tons of albums.

Even today my favorite of the Kansas Albums remains the first one I heard -

Can I Tell You - is a great track! Plus Lonely Wind, and Bringing It Back. But these were never the big commercial hits for the band, so I'm sure they won't be the ones they play - alas! I do like Dust in the Wind. I'm a huge live music fan so I'll like whatever they play.

The last time I heard them was at Iowa Jam - 1976. I went with Chris Deardorff and Paula Bacon. We drank pre-mixed tequila sunrises. Craig Both and Jeff Weppler were with us - it was hot as hell and I remember the singer from Kansas saying it was hotter than pigf*#@ - he was right. I thought I'd get sunstroke so I went to the concession for a visor. I asked how much they were - I thought they said FREE but it must have been $3 I realized later. Sun was making me delirious - good thing I didn't get arrested for shoplifting!

Styx was never my fave band - their songs are kinda wimpy. Though Come Sail Away was always a good party song. I've got one of their live albums now. Foreigner came on the scene during college - my frosh summer of liveguarding. I bought the album in Omaha on my day off (I only got 1 per week). I don't think I've seen either of those two bands in concert.

I am a happy and fortunate momma. I have two wonderful children (and one angel). They work hard and are good people. They are intelligent and are fun to be with. Though my job as mother will never be quite complete, I fear they are quickly working me out of a job - growing up so completely and nicely. It has been my privilege to be the mommy of Jud and Amy Goldsmith.


amy e. goldsmith said...

why thank you for the compliments! but don't put it past me...i'm sure i'll come across another tough spot in my life and i'll call you 3x a day. you were a great mommy last summer, and you're great during the good times too!

lgold said...

Aww, I'll always be there - and will sometimes chew your ass and make you mad. And other times will just talk you off the ledge or cry with you. Even though you're growing up, I'm always your mommy.