I got weighed at the doctor today - usual procedure for a doc's office. I thought the scale was a showing a little heavy - but justified the couple extra pounds later when I realized my purse was hanging on my shoulder the whole time. Ha!
I saw the neuro - a checkup to see how I'm doing on the new drugs. Pretty well I believe, compared to before Topamax when I might have 4 headaches a week. I told Dr. Schmolk that the stuff I read online - posts from people who listed their side-effects from the drug kinda scared me! But I decided mostly the wackos post online. The happy customers say nothing!
So here's one customer of Topamax who isn't losing my hair, can still spell, don't feel like beating my boyfriend, haven't gained bunches of weight or dwindled to nothing. I will say my ears do ring a bit and I've had the tingling hands and feet. I've experienced some stomach upset as well. But the reduction in the number of migraines is worth it! To live without constant fear of that pain...
Back to life being weighed. My first memory of being weighed is from grade school - good 'ol Washington Elementary. In the 60's, kids were allowed no privacy! They'd wheel the scale in, and we'd step on and the nurse would beller out the number for the teacher to list our weight - the poor chunky kids had to be mortified. And back then the "big" kids would hardly be considered big now!
I never really had to worry about my weight much - at least until high school, when I jumped right through size 4 - in about a minute to a 9. And when I went to college, and quit the constant sports practice, but stepped up my beer drinking to several nights a week I put on a few pounds.
I didn't really need a scale then. I had Bubba - my grandfather. He'd see me and ask, "How much you weigh now Honey?" Gee thanks Bub! Now wonder my Aunt Marty was muy largo all her life. It had to miserable growing up with that!
Our family is really pretty lucky in the gene department - because we aren't that big. But we all stay fairly active, and even though my diet is not stellar I have tried to limit portions.
I have been eating poorly again lately. I am going to try to step it up and get with the exercise program. I wouldn't mind losing a few more pounds and not just my purse.
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