Not only do we have the same name...but now we are even beginning to think alike. Alternative Leslie Goldsmith and I hadn't emailed or spoken to each other for a while. When I got my hair cut last Monday, my stylist Sarah asked if I'd heard from her lately - you see I'd told Sarah the story of how Sahar had messed up LG's last appointment thinking she was me.
I told Sarah that no, I hadn't heard from my alter ego lately, but had been thinking of contacting her. Then l0 and behold, an email appeared Tuesday, just when I was fixing to email her!
I know do do do do (insert Twilight Zone Theme Song). It's not like we're husband and wife. After 27.5 years of marriage, Paul and I do tend to think alike and that does freak one out a little. Just when I am ready to tell him something I've decided he'll say the same thing. Or when I think of calling him my phone rings. Not all the time (that would be just too much). But that's after years of togetherness.
LG and I have actually been together twice! So the timing thing with her is freaky. There are some other Leslie Goldsmiths out there. I've googled myself and checked on Facebook. None are sexy models like Amy found out when she was putting together the Amy Goldsmith Website for graphic design - people looked for it and found this sexy, big boobed chick that certainly wasn't my artsy baby!
But I think we're the only 2 LGs living on Highway 34 in Iowa married to Paul with 2 kids. Paul bought a football magnet from a neighbor kid this week (yikes - Evan Nielson will be in 9th grade this fall!). Creston plays at Chariton this fall in football - we may have to go to the game and sit with ourselves! LOL
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