We're getting ready for a "stuff" run out to Denver for Amy. I guess it's official, she's staying for a year - at least that's how long her lease runs. Now a job to go with it would be nice. (Fingers crossed and all that).
Paul and I entered the lair of the basement to look over said stuff. That might not seem like a big deal to you, but I don't go in the basement. I'm not a basement person, and avoid it both consciously and un. But, yeah I went there and we dug thru the stuff that has been stored in the fireplace room. After Dad died, and we (my sisters and I) went thru his condo in Atlantic, I set aside some of the usable things for our kids. And when Amy graduated from ISU last spring, more was put down there - the black hole of things.
Amy, being somewhat anal, labeled things when she was back in April with a little Denver post-it. That organized anality (made up word, yep) will be helpful when we load the U-Haul Thursday. Along with looking over the things we'll be taking, Pablo and I went thru the shelves of knick knacks. Lotta stuff that needs to go! (avert your eyes Amy)
Life gets weighed down by stuff. Some articles might have a particular emotional pull. But you can only have so much of that too! We came across the wooden box Mom bought for Amy (I think??) full of envelopes for the tooth fairy (TF). Most envelopes simply contained a tooth. Others were marked with name and date. But ewww who needs tiny teeth, unless one is a witch or voodoo queen.
Amy, being the funny creative girl she is, sometimes wrote little notes to the TF on the tooth envelope. One said "Dear Tooth Fairey (spelled like that) I love you sooo much! I (by the way I am dying to get a CD Player. A red camaro would be nice too!) signed Amy your BEST CUSTOMER" (keep in mind the TF usually left a $1 bill)
plus she included other tidbits: "my tooth doesn't have a cavaty "(she was never a great speller)
"I floss now"
"Go Jazz" her NBA/WNBA phase I guess
"I was you for Halloween once" - she was, we were really pretty creative when it came to Halloween.
Very informative Amy! She did little things like that when she was young - writing me notes when I was upset, or for mothers day. If you ever read her blog - there's some of that snarky sense of humor in there yet! I'm glad I get to see her soon. Note: Jud's tooth envelopes said not one thing. Ah strong silent type.
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