I rode the bus today to the Land Quality Bureau retreat at the Annett Center in Indianola. It got me to thinking about bus drivers. Most of the drivers I've known are a certain personality - both nurturing and safety conscious.
I wasn't a bus kid when I attended Washington Elementary in Atlantic, Iowa. In fact we walked to school in the morning taking the shortcut through the "woods" - 10 yard wide strip of trees that ran the length of our block. Then we walked home for lunch - peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches on white bread. So I only got to ride the bus for special occasions like field trips.
When I hit high school, I rode the bus for sports. We always had nice drivers, but I don't remember their names. My most important sports memories are from the bus ride. We always had fun chatting. The best part was we got everywhere safely.
I believe the bus drivers I know best are the guys that drove the kids to their sporting events - Darwin and Lee. Lee is a quiet guy, genial and a sports fan. Darwin is like no other. He drives a school bus during the day too and is great with the kids. He gently teases them and they can tell he cares.
Darwin would share road information with us and we called his cell to find out what the weather was like on road trips. He also serves as the MC of the prom grand entry each year. The kids enjoy how he does the introductions. Darwin is also an auctioneer, who does great things when doing auctions for charity. He's good at parting folks from their $ while making them laugh!
When Paul and I went to Italy to visit Amy we were on a tour, with a guide and driver. I confess I don't remember the driver's name - but he was quiet and effective. Plus he lugged those heavy bags in and out.
Today, one of my co-workers, Mel (he has his CDL) drove us to Indianola. Mel is a take-charge guy who seems to be very effective at his job. (He used to be the tire recycling guy so I've known him for years). We arrived safe and sound.
At the retreat, Brian the Bureau Chief was talking about different types of people - ones who like to ride and ones who like to drive the bus. I found that to be ironic - when I had been pondering bus drivers and their personalities earlier this morning. While I enjoy a nice bus ride and I usually let Paul drive when we travel, I can't seem to help myself when it comes to work and life situations. At this point in my career, I am pretty sure of myself and am definitely driving, while carefully avoiding the other vehicles of course.
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