Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'm vewwy vewwy tired. That's what a little girl I know said about her dad when he had a terrible hangover. She's couldn't say Rs very well.

But I don't have a hangover. I just had a busy long day and didn't sleep too well last night, worrying about my busy long day to come.

I went on a road trip to Lake Mills after 2 department meetings this a.m. Kathleen went along so we passed the time chatting. I drove both ways. I didn't get regular meals. I'm a bit out of sorts and crabby.

I'm going to bed. I like what my friend Thea put in her Facebook post - like Cathy in cartoons used to say. Accck! (not sure of spelling)

The good news? I'm going home at noon tomorrow! My honey vacuumed.

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