Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Boldie update

Today was my Bro-In-Law Bolder's last day of radiation therapy - treatment for prostate cancer. He was diagnosed over a year ago, had surgery in August followed by chemo because it's an aggressive form of cancer. This followed by radiation.

Oh - and I forgot to mention the removal of one testicle due to on-going infection that just wouldn't go away. But hey, he still has the other one. My sis Cindo said he came out of surgery singing "One is the Loneliest Number" to the nurses. It's been a hell of a year plus fighting this evil disease.

So for his last day of treatment, he took a penis cake - with one testicle of course, for the staff at the radiation center.
I don't know who baked the cake - but I bet the nurses thought it was a hoot!
So -  thanks for all those fingers crossed, prayers to the higher power, faith in science and medicine. Please let this have done the trick! F'ing cancer be gone!

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