Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A mother's angst

I got my hair cut today - and heard in person about my stylist's Mother's Day angst. It seems her son Conner (or his teacher) had invited her to a Mother's Day tea, complete with funny hats. It was set for last Friday. But sadly, Sarah never got the invite - which was sent home in Connor's backpack. She found out that morning about the event - and there was no way to change her schedule at that point.

So last Friday, all the kids in class, except Connor, enjoyed having their moms visit class. And, according to another mom, Connor's look of disappointment was so pitiful that day. When he got home he told his mom how bad he felt. And she was crushed! She told me she cried her eyes out. My heart went out to her. Sara said at bedtime she apologized again and tried to explain to Connor why she missed the Mom's Day lunch. She said tears welled up in his eyes - and her heart nearly burst. Only a mom can feel that kinda pain! 

What mom hasn't felt that inadequate at some point? Like you don't measure up - or aren't worthy to even have kids. Heck I often felt like I was over my head when it came to parenting. But between Paul and me, we muddled through it - and somehow our kids survived to become pretty cool people.

Sarah is taking Friday off work to spend the day at school with Connor. It's some special day - I don't remember what they're doing, but I'm sure he'll be thrilled to share it with his Mom. That's a good thing about children - they have short memories. (or they'll torture with your shortcomings the rest of your life by saying "remember the time Mom didn't come to the Mother's Day Tea and I felt like an orphan?).

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