Monday, May 14, 2012


Is that like being unhinged? Anyway - I've become so. At least my shoulder has - according to the physical therapist. After a couple months of progressively worse should pain, I decided to see my nurse practitioner, Sheryl Young here in Des Moines to see what my options were. She set me up with Iowa Health's Therapy Center near Lutheran Hospital - it's close to my work.

Today I headed there today and felt better right away. And that was even before treatment. I decided I felt better after seeing many of the other patients at Penn Medical Center. The ones with walkers, canes and various disabilities more obvious than mine. I'm a wimp.

Therapist Geri was so helpful. I finally had a name for my pain! Where did it come from? Dancing to Wii in our loft? Perhaps. Carting my laptop and other various bags and my purse into the the Wallace Building every Monday? Maybe. Regardless, my right arm isn't sliding around on the socket correctly.

Geri worked me through some exercises and movements. She poked her finger right into the spot where my muscle is spasming. She used my smart phone to video my back - to show me how my shoulder blade is winging out wrong. It needs to be re-trained. Last I had a nice hot pack on my shoulder.  I'm lined up to go back a few more times - can't wait. I want to get better.

On my way home I realized how very heavy my purse is on my shoulder. That can't be good! So I bought a new much smaller one tonight - on sale! I think I'll line up a massage.

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