Monday, February 13, 2012

Stubborn Wienie

Another Monday, a bit more snow. This one was slick as snot, according to those who had to commute longer than 3 minutes. That's about what my current commute is. Love it.

Back to the snow. Of course the sidewalk outside the loft hadn't been scooped, so Odie rebelled at the thought of tinkling first thing this a.m. when Paul took her out. It was still snowing right along, so we let it go.

At 11 a.m. , I had an appointment to see the arm surgeon again - after my MRI. I was glad to have the trusty Subaru driving to WDM for my appointment - the snow was still falling and roads were a bit treacherous.

The MRI turned up a nice shot of the blob in my elbow. Of course they still aren't quite sure what that lump is, but we agreed it needs to come out. I'm hoping it's the cause of the pain I'm feeling. Dr. Kallemeier says it could be a benign tumor on a nerve. Yay. (not) Anyway she's going to remove the little bastard on the 28th.

I was in a hurry when I came back (since the doc was running behind and I didn't get back until nearly 1 PM), but I realized I needed to run by the loft to take Odie out. Didn't want the little pooch to explode. I carefully scooped a path to her normal tinkling area, and clipped her on her leash for a quick jaunt out. She wasn't having it. I was angry. It reminded me of the days of having toddlers - totally unreasonable. All she had to do was squat quickly. But no! Argh!

I dragged her back upstairs and was very crabby with her. She got no treat. That's right - you heard me. After work - it was more of the same. Except I bumped my head on the metal railing for the stairs for our loft before taking Odie out - for nothing. Thank goodness when Paul came home she finally did the deed. I was tired of being mad at her.

I hope the winter clears up - I can't take much more of this stubborn wienie stuff!


Mary MG said...

Oh, but Odie is SO gosh darn cute!

amy e. goldsmith said...

Maybe she was constipated--you can't be mad at her for that.