Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wiener waggin

Paul and I wagged wieners at Capital Pub and Hot Dog Co. on SE 6th Street on Tuesday. They were quite magnificent. Mine was a drunken dog - kraut with mustard. Paul had some type of chili dog I believe. Plus wings, which weren't our fave. But the dogs were swell.

The place had a nice feel to it - hoops on the TV, KSU vs Missouri. A woolly looking man sat down at the bar near Paul. He had a long gray beard, and turquoise rings on his fingers. When we left that night - it's quite a ways south so we had to drive - there was a total hoarders van parked near our Subaru in the parking area. It was an old regular size white panel van with only a spot for the driver...the rest was packed full of, well crap. Papers, boxes - nothing of value. I bet it was bearded guy's.

Last night we attended the ISU Men's basketball game in Ames. It was a late night for a working girl, but worth it to see another game with this team - win #20. It's been a while since we've seen that mark. Royce White dribbled between a guy's legs and dunked it.

Yesterday and today were filled with stressful meetings for me, so I was overjoyed to have a massage scheduled this afternoon. Thanks to my lil Jud Bud for that gift for Christmas. Tonight Paul and I met his sis Carol at Red Lobster for supper. I know - fish 3 days in a row for us...good to see Carol, who is down from Northwood hanging with grand daughter Mandy on days off school. Now it's snowing - and sticking. Supposed to add up to 3 or more inches. Odie's gonna love it. Not.

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