Thursday, November 17, 2011

I clicked my heels together

And said, "there's no place like home" and magically, I appeared in my comfy chair in my living room! No...not really. I drove my car - my trusty Subaru - which is like a comfy pair of ruby red slippers.

Today I was itching to get out of town - back to Creston. It's been a long stretch of work - since late September when I organized our first Environmental Management System (EMS)Audit through this week, after completing six audits and now the workshop. I'm beat! As I said in my blog of a couple days ago - the workshop went finished up yesterday with a half day. The evaluations were good. Yay!
Continental - a drink from the bar sounded enticing, but I held back!
When the workshop finished up yesterday, I went to luncheon at the Continental - on Locust at about 4th in the East Village with Laura and Christine. We talked mostly shop. I had a nice blackened chicken sannie. After that, Laura had to catch a flight back to Dallas.

I spent the afternoon figuring out how to update information on the EMS website. Then I heard from my honey PGG, that he was in town having work done on his car. We decided to meet at HuHot for supper. That place is good! You fill a bowl with raw meats, fish, crab, veggies and noodles. Then you pick a group of sauces to dump over the top and take it to an open griddle for men to grill for you. There is white rice to eat with it back at your table. Yum!

After supper we took a walk around Sports Authority, but didn't find anything we couldn't live without. All too soon it was time for Paul to head back to Creston. I went to Joan's to watch TV. My shoulders were so tight from a week of stress! Guess I'll need to contact my friendly masseuse Chris soon to get the kinks worked out. But for now - tomorrow, I get to work at home. I like that perk of my job!

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