We usually do consult with each other on big purchases. But through the years, as we got a little bigger cushion in our bank account, that limit went up a bit. Nintendo Wii used to cost around $300 I think - but I got mine, complete with the Mario Cart game for less than $150.
Then I worked a deal with my 'lil buddy Krissy to purchase her Wii Fit game. It has a balance board that you stand on for most of the exercises, plus the disk you put into the video machine. Last weekend I finally had a chance to try the thing out - fun and good exercise for someone like me who has allowed myself to get woefully out of shape. Now I only wish I had one here AND at Joanie's place.
I programed a "Mii" into the system to represent me in some of the games. It weighs me and figures my BMI too. There are four areas to work on.
- Yoga
- Strength
- Balance
- Aerobic
My friend Deb purchased the XBox 3D for exercise - can't wait to hear how she likes it. It's more $$ - but you don't have to hold the controller, which would be nice. Watch out - the oldsters are taking over gaming!
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