Saturday, November 12, 2011

My world shifts a little bit

Whenever something big happens and people let me down, my world shifts a little bit. I don't know Joe Paterno and he doesn't know me, but like many of you through the years I have formed an impression of the guy. Paterno is a crusty guy with an East Coast accent. He has always reminded me of Paul's dad - George Goldsmith - all curmudgeony, but lovable under it all! Obviously intelligent, and I thought, to be admired because of his tenure at an esteemed university and the success of his teams.

Until I heard about what he had allowed his friend, Assistant Coach Sandusky, get away with - sexual assault of minors. A mere wrist slap. Allowed to "retire" from coaching with full access to Penn State's facilities. In my opinion the whole Penn State University organization is guilty. Didn't they see any similarities between themselves and the Catholic Church? Cover up galore.

When I was young, I always thought there was someone above me that was watching out for me. My parents, teachers, coaches, the government. The realities of life suck. Those people, whom we have looked up to are weak. And not just the freakin' (insert swear word) sexual abusers. The people who should be looking out for the vulnerable but don't - the ones who look the other way are just as guilty! They allow the abusers to keep up their evil ways.

They protect the institution. For what? For the greater good? For the short term good name of an institution, they have risked ruining people's lives? Those of us who haven't been sexually abused can never know what these incidents have done to stain the lives of those who have lived through it.

Sex should be a healthy part of our lives. How might a young person move past the idea that shame goes together with sex once abuse has taken place? How can somebody form a healthy sexual relationship and marriage relationship after suffering that type of abuse? Man - it's hard enough to have a good marriage without dealing with issues such as that.

So - I go back to Penn State and the (formerly) great Joe Paterno. How did he live with this all these years? How could he not look at Sandusky and wonder - was he still abusing? Could he have convinced himself that the guy could stop? And how could the grad student turned coach - McQueary, have continued to coach after seeing Sandusky assaulting a young boy in a shower. Why wouldn't McQueary step in and stop it right then? Why wouldn't he call 911? Was he too in awe of an assistant coach? Did the Penn State machine step in and assure him this was being taken care of? Isn't it convenient he ended up an assistant coach himself.

I am far away from this situation - and my world has shifted a bit due to Penn State. Just as it did when all the news of the Catholic Church abuse came to light. I feel for the Penn State Nittany Lion players, students and alumni - their world is shaken much more than mine. If this had happened at Iowa State University, my Alma Mater, my emotions would be in turmoil. I'm saddened.

This world never fails to surprise me. I thank God (or whatever higher power is out there...) there are many beautiful amazing things and people out there to offset the ugly and bad. They help set my world back on its axis.

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