I've complained for years that I just don't know how to eat healthy. That I need to learn better eating habits. Wa Wa Wa Wa Waaa. (it's the Charlie Brown Mom noise)
So I finally put my money where my mouth (and stomach) are. And joined Weight Watchers at the Wallace Building. Jan, the personnel gal has tried a couple times to get a group started there, but this time it took. We needed 15 people - struggled to get the magic number the first week, but week 2 more showed up.
It's not cheap! $180 for 14 weeks. You get this online tool, with a Blackberry app but frankly it's not too easy to use - I prefer to log stuff on my laptop. And we meet at noon each Monday (11:45 for weigh in) I know - sucky day to get weighed - just after the weekend.
Most of the people in my group are repeat offenders. I mean they've been in WW before. But WW rolled out a whole new program just last month - Points Plus, so it's new for everyone. All the food has new point values, and many fruits and veggies are 0, which does encourage me to eat better.
We weighed in the first day and our rep figured our point total we're allowed. I get 29 points each day - plus everyone gets 49 bonus points every week. That is eye opening for me - just how much each type of food counts and how much a person my size and age is supposed to eat. Not a lot if it's high point stuff!
Of course last weekend with the fancy schmantzy food we ate I was way over my total - didn't even try to track it. As my New Years resolution, I want to include more fresh foods - hard to do with my commuting schedule. But I'll give it a shot! It can't hurt!
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