Friday, December 3, 2010

Warms my heart

I posted something about Patrick's birthday on my Facebook status. His name and that it was his birthday RIP. Friends and family took time to post something. I know it's just stupid FB, but it brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.

Some of the people that posted are the people that helped when Patrick was diagnosed. Nancy Groth and Kenton helped drive us back and forth. Mendy helped watch the kids. Other people like Peg and Connie just said prayers.

And of course the family. My sis Cindo sends a real card every year - snail mail! That is love. Bets and Wayne loaned us money - because back then, we decided we wanted to try again to have another child. It didn't quite work out that way. But I'm convinced it's just another step we needed to go through to get through that ordeal.

Sometimes I feel like nobody else remembers Patrick - except Paul and Amy. Jud was so little that he doesn't even remember it happening. I think everyone else has forgotten our little bundle of joy that turned into the most difficult thing I've ever gone through. Now I know - they haven't. They just don't know what/when to say something. And face it, dead babies aren't something people bring up a lot. I get that.

I'm feeling a little weepy about Patrick this year. Good thing I have all those friends to prop me up.


Anonymous said...

You know me and my memory--I need a jolt to remember the day (although I should because it is one day after Sarah's BD) But I will never forget sitting in ICU, taking turns holding Patrick and talking to Fr Howard about how these things were so unfair and why did they happen? Of course he did not have the answers. That day is something I will never forget. Love ya sister~

amy e. goldsmith said...

i was weepy this year too! it's hard being out here and having no one to talk about it with. no one knows the story. you should scan more pics of him. i've only seen the one with us three (me, jud and patrick).