Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rascally Readin' Friends

It was home again on Thursday after work for me. I got to listen to the first of Stieg Larsson's trilogy series - "Girl the the Dragon Tattoo". I happened on number 3 book on CD about a month ago - "The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" and jumped right into the tale on accident. My goodness what a great writer - too bad the guy dropped dead after he wrote these...

It was our holiday Book Club gathering - held this year at Dyan Huffman's due to work being done on permanent hostess Thea's kitchen. I knew I wouldn't be able to cook anything flying into town at 5 PM, so I bought some crackers at the muy largo (very large) HyVee in WDM Wednesday night. I can't ever find anything at that place - finally had to break down and ask someone who saw me stumbling around where the crax were. Last time I was there I searched in vain for the liquor! Finally found that it had its own corner behind the pharmacy. Did finally score some cranberry lime Smirnoff bevvies though - none to be found in Creston.

I took the crax, olive bruschetta I'd bought at World Market and some chocolate pretzels. Plus a cranberry bevvie on ice - ooooh so nice. Dyan had her house so nicely decorated and eight ladies showed up to discuss "Flamingo Rising" a book that I didn't really get into. Nevertheless I printed discussion Questions as I always do. I had tried to read it - and somewhat sped through it.

We always have a good time a club - a group of ladies most of whom just met each other due to our mutual love of books. The discussion questions for this book were good ones - asking questions about our lives and feelings as well as the book. One was something about - do you think it's nature or nurture that makes us the way we are? Oh there was something about one of the book's characters in there but this was what we concentrated on. These kind of Qs make club more interesting for those who didn't have time to read the book or didn't like it.

We get into serious discussions too - the very first question was about losing faith. People shared stories about their experiences with organized religion etc. We talked about this emotional series in the DMR this week - about a woman I work with. More about that later. I love these ladies!


Kris said...

Not to be nit-picky (since you weren't too thrilled about the review of your writing earlier this week), but I thought I'd advise on the espanol.

muy largo = very long
muy grande = very large

Doesn't make sense (when compared to English), but there you go for future reference!

Your Spanish-minor friend that likes to use her almost-forgotten skills whenever she can :)

lgold said...

Gee I guess my freshman and sophomore year high school Spanish can only take me so far. Thanks for correcting that - because I was going with it. Largo - large - it just made sense. But of course grande is big - I should know that from Starbucks!