Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One hard workin'

Kick Ass hard working civil servant - that's me! The staties in the Wallace Building don't turn the real lights on until 6:30 a.m. (it's a power saving thing ya know) Oh there are some lights on - a few here and there - enough to get around the joint. And I, Early Bird, that I am, usually get to see the Lighting Fairy do her magic! The lights go on at the appointed hour.

I usually leave at 5 p.m. when the lights are still going strong. But tonight...since I was out of the office at a meeting during the meatiest part of the day...I stayed until 5:30. And blink! The lights went back out then. I might as well live there - pitch a tent or somethin.

I snapped at the meeting I attended today. Bad attendee. Geesh. Put a muzzle on me! My mouth didn't foam and I didn't swear...but gee, I did tell a guy I resented something he said. My supervisor was there. Um and our Bureau Chief. Not good. Why do I let "those people" get to me? Next meeting I vow to meditate first. I wasn't prepared for Tony's crap this time. And that's stupid - he does it every time.

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