You can't judge a book by its cover. A very wise saying in my eyes.
When we went house shopping for our first home, it was hard to tell just what a house might be like inside by viewing the outside. Many times I thought I'd like a house, but inside it was a nightmare!
People can present a good package when you meet them, but when you get beyond the person they are at work or at school, they could actually be a mess - both figuratively and in reality. I've met people who dressed nicely in a business setting - well put together and attractive. But when was invited inside their house, it was piled with clothing on the floor of their room. Eeeew.
I've worked places that look very well run and organized at first glance. But when one worked there a while, it was a cluster f&(*. Both figuritively and literally. Crazyville and not well managed at tall. But the impression they gave the community was professional and successful.
People are very good at portraying what they want us to see. We put up a good front. We can be calm and professional at work, and then be miserable when we get home. A be-atch if ya know what I mean. We often save our real emotions/feelings for our loved ones, while treating co-workers with kid gloves. We can let our hair down with people we're married to - they're (kinda) stuck with us!
Often other people's lives look great from the outside
1. because they want us to think they're great and have the bestest life!
2. we don't walk in their shoes and feel their pain
3. we gloss over the hard stuff they go through because we haven't lived thru it with them - health, loneliness, setbacks in jobhunting or job
I walked on the Waukee Bike/Walking trail tonight. The first bike that clips me passing too closely will regret it! I will chase them down and push them over! Some ride by side-by-side. Wha? Be polite on the trail.
I won't ever be able to walk as fast as my friends, especially Deb. I know, I've bitched about this before. When I walk by myself it's just as evident as it is when I try to keep up with her. Maybe my upcoming surgery will loosen up my hips. Nah...
I visited Nahant Marsh in Davenport today for work. I enjoy getting out and seeing the sights of Iowa. We saw a heron and lots of prairie plants.
A woman I work with who also went on today's trip to Davenport announced that she's transferring out of our department. I have mixed feelings on that. She's a big personality and has been interesting to work around. But she's been unhappy and perhaps our department will be calmer without her. We'll see. Not sure who will take over her few job responsibilities.
I have to stay in DM through Friday this week and I'm homesick. It sure makes for a long week and short weekend! Glad I don't have to stay here 5 days too often.
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