Monday, July 20, 2009

Endangered snacks

I really enjoy Laura Lippman books, the Tess something Irish series. She's a clever writer, avoiding hackneyed cliches (such as hackneyed cliche). This morning I was listening to her most recent book on my way back to the Big City for work.

She introduced the topic of endangered snacks - Hydrox Cookies were one. Ahh Hydrox. Dad always liked them, and I must agree - they were much better than Oreos. Sweeter filling. The only problem with them was that we didn't have big ziplocks back then, and they tended to get mushy (much like Oreos) during Iowa summer humidity.

Other missing snacks include Pudding Cake, and its close relative, Shake-A-Puddin'. Are you sensing a theme here? Good thing the Bullock girls were so active, as Mom did feed our need for chocolate. Pudding Cake was a fab concoction that you purchased in a box, just like a cake mix. After baking it was a lovely mix of spongy chocolate cake and rich gooey chocolate pudding.

Shake-A-Puddin' was actually more fun to make than to eat. First you purchased a tan plastic shaker with a lid that snapped on. Simply pour in the powder and prescribed amount of milk and shake vigorously, then pour into cups (or into your mouth directly even before it set).

Does anyone make glass candy anymore? We did a couple times when I was a kid. I remember you had to use a candy thermometer to make sure the gooey mixture got hot enough to set when you poured it onto wax paper. We make cinnamon. We also made our own cinnamon toothpicks with the really hot cinnamon stuff you had to get from the pharmacist. I'd put both of those on the endangered list as well.

How about you - any fond memories of long lost treats? Wax lips, candy cigarettes, Nekkos? I'd like to hear what you miss.


Thea said...

oh, Leslie, how could you omit jiffy pop? Isn't that the name of that goofy popcorn and cooking contraption from the 50s? So fun!

lgold said...

My mom never let us get Jiffy Pop. We had to make popcorn in a pan with oil. Until I got my college popcorn popper. Now that made good stuff!