Thursday, July 2, 2009

Screamin' meemees

I had the brief bad fortune to be around kids acting like, well kids yesterday. I did see some cute babies while awaiting my ultrasound at the Gyno/Obstetrics office. One little guy was just walk that in that lurching Frankenstein (hmm 2 references to 'ol Frankie in 2 days) style. He was cheerful though.

The other kid I sat by, for most of the hour I waited, was an active 3 or 4 year-old. I actually blame the Mom and Grandma for that one. They didn't take along anything for him to play with besides a cell phone. Nonetheless he was bugging me - grumpy old lady awaiting word on her saggy baggy uterus.

Later in the day, when I went to Kohl's for a doormat (had a $10 coupon so it was only $5), shrieking boy was in the store. He too was 3 or 4. His mom was making idle threats that weren't working one bit. They were everywhere I went.

I felt her frustration. I remember wanting to smack my kid when he (yeah it was usually Jud) when he snapped like that. I was embarrassed for the mom, and for myself all those years ago when I lost it just as badly as said tantrum throwing child. Mea culpa, mea culpa.

1 comment:

Thea said...

what i hate are whiny teenagers saying they are bored.