Saturday, March 24, 2012

New look

What do you think of the new Blog look? I felt it was time for a change. Spring and all that. Plus I'd been using the other format for quite some time.

I went with a pre-set template Blogger offers, but did a little bit of my own twist and changed the darker background a little bit, adding the purple title. I kept tweaking for several hours until I liked it. My favorite part is how the format makes the photos pop. (That's a phrase they use on HGTV a lot - POP).

I also changed the description of my blog. I realized that my purpose had morphed somewhat since I started the blog three plus years ago. Back then, I had been used to having a forum for my thoughts - a monthly newspaper column in the Creston News Advertiser. Granted that was a much more formal medium, and was work related. I wrote it for my job as director of Prairie Solid Waste Agency serving Adams, Taylor and Union Counties. I had to tie it in to waste reduction and recycling, but you'd be surprised at how much in life is environmental. When I changed jobs and didn't write the newspaper column anymore, I missed having a forum for my thoughts.

And I had all that commuting time. I don't know about you, but I do some of my best thinking when I'm driving all by myself. It's like my best thoughts are just lurking under the surface and they need that somewhat mundane activity of driving to bring them out. Amy had started a blog and I decided - that's for me! Some people might say it's too much information for public consumption. Well...that's me. I'm an open book, um blog.

  • One concern I have with the new blog format is that white on dark is harder to read. What do you think?
  • I added a "Like" reaction button. It gives people a chance to weigh in without signing in and writing comments.
  • Also did some reorganizing along the right side - there is a spot to check out recent popular blogs and comments. 
Though I do mostly write these blogs for my own selfish enjoyment, I do get a kick out of it when I know others enjoy them too. I'd like your input! Thanks.

1 comment:

amy e. goldsmith said...

This is the graphic designer in me talking. Can you move the skyline photo down at all? That way, the title won't be crowding the Principle Building. Also, if you could move the title and description in a bit, so they're not so close to the edges. Words need to breathe! Not sure if these templates allow you to do that or not.