Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The secret sauce

I've been pondering. In my last blog I talked about evidence that children do better when they feel connected to their families through their stories. I started thinking about all the stories I know about other families. Those have also had an impact upon my life.

A photo Fritz had of Dad from a JayCees event in Atlantic?

Growing up in a small town like Atlantic, we became part of each other's stories. Even now, when one of my father's best friends struggles with heath problems, I continue to think about the ways our families have intertwined through the years. My grandparents knew the Simpsons, who published the newspaper in Atlantic News Telegraph. Their son Frederick - called Fritz - was a couple years older than Dad. I don't know if they were pals in their younger years, but they sure were later in life. I can still hear Fritz calling Dad, "Bullock."
Fritz - in red with Ted and Mary Sue. Perhaps MS's daughter? One bad thing...they're Nebraska fans!

Fritz was married to Sue and they had two children, Ted - who is my age and Mary Sue who is a couple years younger. Sadly, Sue passed away much too young - even before my mom. I'm Facebook friends now with Ted (who is really also a Frederick) and keep up with the fam. Ted reports that Fritz, who lives in Omaha with his 2nd wife Dolly, is recuperating from having his leg amputated - the result of another medical issue. His attitude is good. Fritz is a fighter!

I believe the Bruce Feilor article about family stories could very well extend to those types of stories too - beyond immediate family. How well do we know those we live and work around?

In college, my roomies became like sisters. My college sisters' stories became my own. Vicki's father died tragically, drowning while canoeing in Alaska when she was only 3. Her mother, a young widow, had to make a living. She worked for a time as a secretary for a rich guy in California - Vic has some vivid memories from that time. Eventually Barb, Vicki's Mom, moved back to Iowa and met her 2nd husband, Jon. When Vic was 10, then had Krista, Vicki's little sis who invited me to her 10th birthday when we were in college - so cute. Jane's parent's made the kids ride in the car with their arms around each other if they were fighting - and her dad kept his eye on the rear-view mirror!

I already knew lots of Sal's fam stories as she was an Atlantic gal - I'd spent lots of time with 2 of my favorite people, Wayne and Anna Day Rodgers. One day Sally's sister's first husband up and left her - saying "I never did love you." Marcie survied and met Steve who was a much better guy. Wayne never liked that first husband anyway...he sucked with the horses...

After our time bonding with our pals in Creston, we laugh that we must end up in the same nursing home with them. That way we can finish each other's stories. Through the years we've enjoyed hearing about Jeff McFee's antics with (now Sheriff) Rick Piel, and his time as a cowboy in Wyoming. Jeff has shared many tales of brother Craig that are always entertaining as well. Phyllis and Willie had their hands full with that gang! Joan said kids used to pick on Craig because - his speech wasn't the clearest when he was little - so Carol would beat those bullies up! And who can forget Don McKim's stories about his cousins and the bb guns - it's amazing they didn't put an eye out! Perhaps that's why Donnie decided to be an eye doc.

So...the point of this blog is...if it's not family, it's your friends. Get to know people. Find out their stories.

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